Horror in Tenerife: they will stop looking at sea for Tomas Gimeno and his daughter Anna | Indirect violence


A courtyard of the Spanish island of Tenerife, in the Atlantic archipelago of the Canary Islands, on Thursday authorized the stopping of research at sea for Tomás Gimeno, accused of having kidnapped and murdered his daughters Olivia and Anna to exercise indirect violence against their ex-spouse. You will also stop searching this way for Anne who, unlike his sister Olivia, found 20 days ago at the bottom of the sea, still does not appear.

The decision of the violence against women tribunal hearing the case includes that research tasks for the oceanographic vessel – started a month ago in the areas where Olivia’s body appeared and Gimeno’s phone signal was lost – already provided all the technological assistance it could provide, given that the orography of the seabed where it must continue is inaccessible and inaccessible.

Justice was served after ship officials presented a report on Wednesday concluding that the work they were due to undertake now was “Completely inaccessible”, given the depth of the area.

Thanks to the sea search, the body of little Olivia was found, located on June 11 at a depth of 888 meters inside a sports bag attached to an anchor.

On June 21, a portable compressed air cylinder, used for scuba diving, at a depth of 1331 meters, and the same day the vessel found a second cylinder identical to the previous one, at the same depth. The lead belt was also searched, with which Gimeno could have sunk, but could not be located.

The case of Spanish girls

The drama began when Gimeno went to pick up his daughters on April 27 and came home with the two. From there, around 7:30 p.m., he went to the Tenerife marina. No one, neither the guards nor the security cameras, could detect if he had entered with the girls. It was not possible to register until later, Gimeno embarked alone. From his car, he took suitcases and bags, and for that he had to make three trips between the vehicle and the boat.

He sailed twice. When he returned from his first outing, the Civil Guard intercepted him and fined him for having skipped the curfew that governs the coronavirus pandemic. He left for sea after midnight and was never seen again. The next day, the boat was found empty, without an anchor, off Puertito de Güímar, on the east coast of Tenerife.. Later, a baby chair, the kind used for road trips, appeared in the water.

Finally, the robot from the ship Ángeles Alvariño found the body of the eldest of the sisters, Olivia. According to the results of the autopsy, the girl’s death was “a violent death, of forensic etiology compatible with homicide, the immediate cause being compatible with Acute pulmonary edema“In addition, the investigators came to a dramatic conclusion: the father of the girls would have anesthetized them with sleeping pills before the tragedy. The Civil Guard has already confirmed that during the five searches that were carried out in his house, they found several empty light bulbs. of tablets.


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