Horror to Moreno: He killed his mother and stepfather with a baseball bat and lived with the bodies


The neighbors were the ones who alerted the police when they noticed that nothing had been known of the couple for some time. The troops, with the brother of the alleged killer, went home

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  Alicia's body was found under a bed.

Alicia's body was found below a bed

The abuser had told them that their mother had gone to the hospital but when they entered, they found the body under the bed covered with a sheet

The body of the father-in-law was under a freezer in the kitchen. . According to the preliminary autopsy, the woman, a 56-year-old retired woman, had a severe head injury "with sag, fracture exposed in the left middle frontal area and loss of brain mbad.

For his part, his partner, aged 57, also had a fracture with the same characteristics. One version indicates that the murder was in the kitchen.

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The case is in charge of Dr. Federico Soñora holder of UFI No. 4 of the Moreno Judicial Department and the General Rodríguez.

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