Horror: Woman used her car for over a year with the bodies of her nephews in the trunk | the Chronicle


For about a year, a woman from Baltimore, city ​​in the state of maryland, drives a car with a horrible secret: the corpse of his 7 year old niece hidden in a suitcase in the trunk. Then, in May 2021, he opened the trunk lid to empty the body of her 5 year old nephew next to his sister. It was only months later that police discovered the decomposing bodies of Joshlyn johnson Yes Larry o’neal.

Local police reported on Thursday that she was mourning the “indescribable deaths“of the children, discovered when the aunt of the victims was stopped at a traffic stop on Wednesday night. When officers said Nicole johnson, 33, that her car should be towed, the woman replied: “Regardless, I won’t be there for five days. Everybody will see me on the news making my big debut”.

Police said in an official statement that the brother and sister, who they weighed only 9.5 and 8 kilograms respectively, they were probably malnourished before their death. Doctors reported that “it would have taken several months of malnutrition to reach these weights”, In the prosecution documents consulted by the Baltimore sun.

Johnson was charged on Friday in connection with the negligence and abuse which caused death, charged with several counts of child abuse and neglectas well as not reporting deaths to authorities and unauthorized disposal of their bodies.

The mother gave the children to her sister in 2019

Nicole Johnson, 33, has been charged with the deaths of her two nephews.

As reported The sun, Johnson confessed to detectives that he had been responsible for children since 2019 when their sister moved from Maryland to Ohio and could no longer care for them. Months later, Johnson told his sister he would return the children to her, but he never showed up at the agreed meeting place.

Asked about the cause of death of minors, Johnson admitted that in May 2020, hit his niece several times the girl’s head hit the ground. About the nephew, the aunt only commented that two months ago “little Larry fell asleep after feeling tired and never woke up“reported The New York Post.

The mother of the victims, Dachelle johnson, had created a collection on the popular site GoFundMe to collect the money required by the funeral service: “I don’t know what to say, but I know they both need to be buried. Please help me. My babies are gone for no reason“he wrote from his account Facebook in an already deleted message. The collection also closed before reaching its goal, when the mother reported that someone had offered to pay all the expenses.

Dachelle Jhonson and her two sons, Joshlyn and Larry. (Courtesy of the Sun)

It was truly a devastating incident, which not only shocked our community, but significantly affected our agents patrollers, forensic technicians and detectives“said the Baltimore County Sheriff’s Office, Melissa Hyatt, in a press release Friday.

The bodies of Joshlyn Johnson and Larry O’Neil have been transported to the Chief Medical Examiner’s office for a full autopsy that will seek to determine the cause of death, while Johnson is in the Baltimore County Detention Center in Towson, Maryland.


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