Hospital Employee Placed Cell Phone to Record Women on Toilet and Ended in Police Custody | the Chronicle


The national police of the Spanish city of Valladolid arrested man for recording the privacy of women’s toilet at the Campo Grande de Grupo Recoletas hospital where he worked.

It all started when one of her colleagues went to take advantage of the staff area and found a cell phone that was filming a video with a direct view of the toilet.

The smartphone was hidden in a hanging coat, an area used to store hospital clothes.

After the discovery, the woman turned to the management, so that the relevant complaint could be filed and that an investigation be opened as soon as possible to try to find the “voyeur”, But the order took a long time to arrive And when they analyzed the mobile device, they found a surprise.

There was nothing in her memory, as if someone had erased it to avoid suspicion, there was no image of any kind and even no personal information, which had been stolen, making it impossible to obtain reliable evidence of the perpetrator.

Grupo Recoletas Campo Grande Hospital, in Plaza de Colón in Valladolid, where the event took place.

By not using a cell phone, we conducted a survey of staff to find out who might have been near this area, depending on the schedules and the person in question was found, who was immediately arrested and transferred to a police station.

Already at the police headquarters, he confessed to the facts and was released, but with charges and with the need for him to sympathize with Justice whenever required.


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