Hospital School: They urge the community to take extreme preventative measures to prevent illnesses in winter


  Hospital School: they urge the community to take extreme preventive measures to prevent diseases in winter

The otolaryngologist of Escuela de Agudos Hospital "Dr. Ramón Madariaga ", Dr. Marcelo Jáuregui (M05476) mentioned that at this time of year it is common that the demand increases" we are subject to climatic conditions, rhinosinusal symptoms are common, the problems of the pathways upper respiratory tract, in adults, consultations are given for sinusitis, pharyngitis or pulmonary conditions. "

In prevention, professionals recommend influenza vaccination, especially in children under 5 years of age and over. 65 years old, to people with risk factors such as: smokers, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma By adding "it is important to avoid abrupt changes s temperature, to warm up, avoid overcrowded places, to renew the air, to ventilate the premises, to wash the hands, all this can prevent the "

Finally," l & # 39; Ideally, the patient should not self – medicate and consult the doctor first to see if you should take an antibiotic. "

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