Hours after Joe Biden’s inauguration, Washington is armored and the FBI controls the security forces


To prevent further excesses and incidents, Washington will deploy thousands of troops to provide security. Photo: AP

The capital of United States, Washington DC, prepares for the inauguration of the president-elect Joe biden this Wednesday. To ensure the safety of the change of command, some 25,000 National Guard officers They will be deployed in the neighborhood, which is immune to the possibility of further protests by supporters of President Donald Trump. The troops are controlled by the FBI, which seeks to prevent a possible attack from infiltrators within the forces themselves.

The climate of tension in the United States peaked on January 6, when protesters with Republican Party clubs, weapons and flags stormed the Capitol with the intention of stopping the vote count. who, hours later, ratified Biden as the country’s next president.

The incidents did not just end with five dead and dozens arrested, but sparked great concern days after the Democrat was inaugurated. In fact, this week the Justice Department warned of further calls for protests outside the legislatures of all 50 states and the capital for Wednesday.

In this context, the city of Washington, where the ceremony will take place, has reinforced its security and plans to deploy to 25,000 members of the National Guard to ensure the safety of the change of command, which Trump has previously signaled he will not attend.

Faced with the possibility of an internal attack or other threat from the troops who will participate in the operation in the heart of the United States, the FBI is investigating each agent during these hours, who will be responsible for protecting the new president and other personalities present on the day of the inauguration.

In dialogue with the agency AP, the secretary of the army, Ryan mccarthy, said on Sunday that authorities were aware of the possible threats, so commanders will be alert to any problems in their ranks as the change of command approaches. However, to date, he and other senior officials have ensured that they had not detected no trace of wrongdoing.

“We are continually reviewing the processMcCarthy said in an interview after he and other military leaders conducted a comprehensive three-hour security drill in preparation for Wednesday’s presidential inauguration. . He said members of the Guard were also trained to identify possible insider threats.


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