Hours after restrictions lifted, Boris Johnson must self-isolate for coming into close contact with covid case | He was not going to respect quarantine but after criticism he backed down


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was forced to self-isolate after coming into close contact a positive case: its new Minister of Health, Sajid Javid. This Monday, despite increase in cases produced by the Delta variant, the government lift health restrictions the day of the baptism “Freedom Day”.

Johnson and Finance Minister Rishi Sunak “were contacted by the public health department because they were in contact with someone who tested positive for covid”, the Prime Minister’s office reported on Sunday.

Both had met the Minister of Health during the week Sajid Javid -which took over in June after the resignation of Matt Hancock-, who announced on Saturday that he had tested positive for the coronavirus.

Initially, a Downing Street spokesperson announced that Johnson and Sunak wouldn’t have to isolate themselves because they “participate in a pilot daily testing program” which “allows them to continue working” at government headquarters.

However, the attitude of Johnson and his minister has been harshly criticized by the opposition which denounced that the officials considered themselves “above the law” by not respecting the preventive measure.

Two hours later, Downing Street announced that the two politicians would respect the corresponding isolation and that Johnson “will continue to hold meetings with distant ministers” at Checkers Court, the country residence of British prime ministers, north-west of London.

The UK is one of the countries in Europe most affected by covid-19, with more than 128,000 deaths, and infections have been increasing for weeks, surpassing 54,000 daily cases on Saturday.

Despite these figures, Johnson on Monday announced the almost total lifting of restrictions that remained in force in England, including the requirement to wear a mask or social distancing. The Prime Minister -that last year he was hospitalized with a serious image of coronavirus- assured that it appeals to the “individual responsibility” of citizens.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, considered that “the simplest and safest option would have been for the government to maintain the national obligation to transport mask in public transport“, For what decided to maintain this measure in the capital.

However, this poses a difficulty for passengers, since those who live in the suburbs are not obliged to wear the mask and the regulations change during the same trip. And those who are uncomfortable with travelers without a mask will have no legal argument to ask them to wear it.

Also the government of Scotland announced it will maintain mandatory use of masks in closed public spaces.

Over the past year, the UK has suffered a 10% drop in GDP and increased government spending by £ 400bn ($ 554bn) to ease the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus.

Faced with pressure from a sector of the Conservative Party, Johnson decided to proceed with the total reopening, building on the success of his vaccination campaign: two-thirds of 55 million adults received two doses and vaccines have been shown to be effective against most hospitalizations and deaths.

From the “Freedom Day” -initially scheduled for June 21, but which has been postponed to move forward with the vaccination campaign- The telework slogan will be lifted, nightlife venues will be able to reopen and theaters and stadiums will be able to operate at full capacity.

Too masks in closed places will no longer be compulsory and social distancing. These decisions received reviews from health experts.

The whole of the UK will retain restrictions on international travel, however..

Thus, only British citizens or legal residents can arrive from the countries of the so-called “red list”, which includes all of South America, Panama, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and Monday in Cuba. And they have to self-isolate for 10 days in specific hotels paying £ 1,750 per person.

Those arriving from the “orange list”, which includes Spain and almost all of Europe, will not have to quarantine themselves at home if they have received both doses of the vaccine.

The exception is France, where the UK government has noted that there is a “persistent presence” of beta variant cases.


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