Hours of confusion and silence at Casa Rosada


An unprecedented situation in history and a zero response from the official communication, this was limited to brief announcements by the Energy Secretariat. A few hours after the mbadive power outage and with services already starting to be restored, no one in charge had yet to say anything. At 3 pm only, the official information by press conference arrived.

The Secretary of Energy, Gustavo Lopetegui, said they did not know the reasons that caused the failures that led to the mbadive blackout in almost the entire country. He did it eight hours after the accident, when the service was restored little by little.

Lopetegui explained that what had happened was "abnormal and extraordinary and that it should not happen, that is the chain of subsequent events", while the l & # 39; hypothesis of a cyber attack "is not the main one" that they manage.

Previously, the Energy portfolio had only communicated a brief communication stating that the problem came from the Yacyretá factory and to which an Aysa message had been added, in which it was requested users to use water responsibly. of rarity.

"The secretary of the Government of Energy said that the power failure that occurred today at 7:07 am would have been due to a failure of the transport system of Yacyretá.This produced the cut automatically ( without human intervention) The percentage of loss was high considering the schedule in which it occurred, namely a weak demand.The rest of the generators could not compensate the losses ", reported around 10 hours.

The mbadive blackout has left almost the entire country without light. Only in Tierra del Fuego, because it was not connected to the national system, there was a service. The reduction also affected Uruguay, and in part Brazil and Chile.

Slowly, service was restored, a fact unprecedented in the country.


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