Housing and transportation rose 0.1% CPI in June


  Santiago 2

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) recorded a monthly increase of 0.1% in June, cumulating an increase of 1.4% since the beginning of the year. year and an annual increase of 2.5%. % The National Institute of Statistics reported this Friday that in the sixth month, five of the twelve divisions that make up the indicator basket contributed to the positive impacts of the change, six had negative impacts and has not recorded any impact.

The divisions that had the greatest positive impact were housing and basic services (0.7%), with 0.098 percentage points (pp.), And transportation (0.7%), with 0.092 pp. The remaining elements that positively influenced totaled 0.089 pp. Among the divisions whose prices decreased, clothing and footwear (-1.6%) posted an impact of -0.050 points.

Housing and basic services increased in seven of these nine categories, with a focus on other housing-related services (3%) and effective leases (0.6%). Of its 16 products, eleven recorded increases, including common expenses (3.3%) and leasing (0.6%)

Transportation, meanwhile, have reported advances in five of his ten clbades. The main ones were fuels and lubricants for personal transport vehicles (3.1%) and the conservation and repair of personal transport vehicles (2.2%). Of the 24 products that make up the division, 14 registered increases, of which gasoline stood out (3%) and the car maintenance and repair service (2.3%). ).

Meanwhile, clothes and shoes were falling in three of his five items. The largest negative impacts were clothing (-1.8%) and shoes and other footwear (-1.8%). Among its 35 products, 29 registered declines, highlighting women's outerwear (-4.2%) and men's outerwear (-3.8%).

For its part, the INE reported that underlying inflation (IPCX), which clears perishability and fuel calculations, showed a zero change in the month of l '. badysis, accumulating in the first half an increase of 1.3% and 1.9% in annual terms. The index that also eliminates regulated tariffs (IPCX1) showed identical movements, while food inflation rose 0.4%, 1m4% and 3.6%, in respective terms [19659008] (function (d, s, id) {
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