How and where can security forces use Taser guns?


In the annex attached to the resolution, you will find specific information on how these weapons will be used. badly named "non-lethal". "Only non-lethal electronic weapons can be used when strictly necessary respect for their duties and to the extent required by the performance of their duties"Says the first article of the appendix to the resolution.

In this sense, they can only be used when "other non-violent means are ineffective in cases where it is necessary to stop, stop or prevent a leak. someone who could hurt others or self-mutilate; when self-defense or that of third parties is to be exercised; and to prevent the commission of a crime of public action ".


Those weapons that have sparked rejection among human rights organizations as elements of torture will be used by federal police and security forces "Who were given instructions for their jobs, after having received the specific training"

To be able to use them, the troops "must identify themselves as such aloud, warning of their immediate intervention, except that such action may pose a risk of injury to others or when it is manifestly inadequate or unnecessary in the circumstances of the case ".

According to the resolution, "developing threatening behavior that endangers the physical integrity of the agent or third parties" will be considered an imminent danger; when violent behavior indicates the imminence of an attack; when the number of offenders or the unpredictability of the badault used materially prevents the performance of duty or the ability to exercise self-defense or that of third parties. "

After using the Taser, the following protocol is "Keep the internal memory of the hardware used to perform the corresponding administrative check".

Although the Minister of Security announced that at the beginning, the taser guns would be used airports, train stations and enclosed spaces where the number of people is highin the regulation, no particular space is mentioned.

Various human rights organizations have criticized the implementation of this type of so-called "non-lethal" weapons, His fatality is proven. "Taser guns are an excuse to extend the use of police forces", contains one of the many notes that Cels have published on these electronic guns.


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