How are the new codes of seduction and "face" – News


According to a survey of the Interamerican Open University (IAU), men and women take the initiative in the same way when another, unknown person is interested.

According to a survey they conducted on links with 600 cases, half of women and half of men, in the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires.

The study also concluded that, at the moment, women are taking up more space, but if they can choose, they prefer the other party to establish the connection.

A study of the Happn dating application, conducted in Argentina last year, showed a similar trend: 80% said that both sexes were also taking the first steps.

In an article by journalist Demian Doyle for ClarinÁngel Elgier, director of the psychology program of the UAI, talks about the idea of ​​"democratization" of links. "The advancement of women in Western societies is helping to create a new ethic of relationships and gradually abandoning the paradigm of control and private ownership," he said.

Eighty-seven percent of women and 76% of men interviewed by UIA agreed that reconciliation methods have changed "a lot" or "a lot" in recent years.

In this sense, six out of 10 people attribute it to creating dating apps such as Tinder and Happn. However, among those who formalized a couple, very few met by these means.

Doyle also said that the impact of moves such as "Me Too" and "No es no" had changed the way of telling and, for example, "the compliment had lost social acceptance as a gesture of bravery".

On the other hand, the UAI survey revealed that more than half recognize that when a person is attractive, she does not usually speak.

A report from the UK Global Web Index Consultant also warned that 50% of single, single or widowed Argentinean adults were connecting these apps at least once a month.

This figure places the country behind China and above the average of Latin America (46%), which is also the most used region.

While for every woman who enters a dating app, there are two men.

In Happn, for example, 64% of users are men, out of a total of 2.8 million.

However, seduction in networks also has its codes, for example, the emphasis is frowned upon, and nearly 60% prefer to be contacted naturally, informally and without pressure.


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