How big toe can report problems in erection


Can be a reality today or may be in the future (near or far), the truth is that all men at one point in life will have irreparable problems to have erections; and even more to maintain them. According to statistics, more than 40% of the male population over the age of 40 suffers from this problem, although it can also occur frequently in younger men. On average, one in five men suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction.

This is already a very serious problem for men, but this can become an indicator. Erection problems can predict painful situations in the feet, according to a survey from the University of Keele, UK. The study, conducted on nearly 48,000 men over a period of 10 years, some had gout and others were in good health.

Research has shown that men with gout have a 31% higher risk of erectile dysfunction than those who do not. this condition. And moreover, penile problems can appear before joint problems develop. Those who had gout were 63% more likely to report erection problems in the year prior to their diagnosis. And, after two years with this articulatory disease, the risk of suffering from this other disease, increased by 77% more than in healthy individuals.

Gout, one of the most painful forms of arthritis, occurs when it accumulates too much uric acid in the body. This is known as hyperuricemia. Deposits of uric acid are grouped together in the joints, often in the big toe, and can be so painful that it can even wake up the person who is suffering from it. The affected joint can be red, swollen and warm to the touch.

This metabolic disorder causes the formation of microcrystals in the joints, kidneys and soft tissues. But not everyone who suffers from a high level of uric acid (about 7%) necessarily suffers from the disease, which usually results in episodes of severe pain and redness and swelling of the joints.

The link in the study persisted After the researchers adjusted the study to factors that may contribute to erectile dysfunction and gout, including smoking, a body mbad index (BMI) ) higher and consumption of alcohol.

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