How can you absorb iron in vegetables? Cuyo Newspaper


In case you want your diet to be vegetarian, it is best that the diet plan be well designed, with the supervision of a professional nutritionist and with the necessary amounts for each individual.

Someone who follows a vegetarian diet is defined as one who consumes no type of meat (chicken, vaccine, fish, pork, etc.). However, if you eat other animal derivatives, it is divided into:

– Lactovégétarien: does not consume meat or egg but has dairy products.

– Ovalacteovegetariano: consumes milk and eggs but not meat.

On the other hand, vegans avoid all products of animal origin not only to eat. They are against animal abuse and their diet is based on vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals.

So, do you need a vitamin supplement?

There are nutrients that you can not stop eating and that are found only in products of animal origin and its derivatives such as vitamin B12 or calcium.

Although there are plant-based foods that contain iron and calcium, facilitators would be needed for proper absorption of these.

Iron can come from sources of animal or plant origin:

Animal (heme or heme): It is part of animal hemoglobin or myoglobin. It is characterized by a very good absorption, between 10 and 25% approximately, without there being any factors favoring or inhibiting the absorption. It is found in meats

Vegetables (non-hemic or non-heme): when it is not part of hemoglobin but of any other compound. It represents 90% of the iron brought exogenously. Its absorption is only 2 to 5%, and a number of factors intervene that cause the iron to absorb in greater proportion (for example, the presence of ascorbic acid or vitamin C) or to reduce its absorption (for example , the presence of iron). alkaline substances, phosphates, lignin, tannins such as coffee or tea, oxalates, phytates).

Are nonheme sources of iron: l as vegetables, in particular green leafy vegetables (Swiss chard, cabbage, asparagus, chicory, chicory, soybean shoots, watercress), legumes (beans , wheat, soy, bread), cereals and nuts.

To counteract the combinations, one can improve the absorption of non-heme iron, for example lentils, with orange juice and consume foods rich in vitamin C such as tomatoes, kiwi or the strawberries.

In addition, it is advisable to avoid consuming infusions for two hours after completing the main meals.

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