how citizenships and visas are processed and how much they cost


Product of crisis and some economic devaluation where does Argentina go, more and more young professionals alone or with family they think of a future in Europe.

To settle in another country is to cross a series of procedures and obtaining permits to make the stay legal. Argentines with European citizenship have important advantages if they want to reside in a community nation, but to get this document they will also have to face a process that is not that simple.

Thus, Argentines wishing to emigrate to Europe must inform themselves in good time about the costs, Documentation present and how long can it take to can live legally in Spain and Italy. The procedures are carried out personally and, in some cases, with the help of a manager.

Moving to another country means going through a series of procedures and obtaining permits to make the stay legal.  Photo: Clarin Archives

Moving to another country means going through a series of procedures and obtaining permits to make the stay legal. Photo: Clarin Archives

How is Italian citizenship treated?

First of all, the person concerned must have a ancestor of European origin. Italian nationality, has no pedigree limit (great-great-grandparents, great-grandparents, grandparents, parents). To request it, you need the ancestor birth certificate If you do not have one, you can contact the Italian municipality of origin. Then you should have the following documentation:

  • Marriage certificate and the death of the immigrant parent.
  • Birth, marriage and death certificates of all filiation until reaching the person concerned.
  • Report of the National Electoral Chamber where the non-naturalization of the ancestor (which means you have not become an Argentinian citizen).

the citizenship application filing fee for of blood (blood law) around the 300 euros and is paid in Argentine pesos (approximately $ 34,000).

The recognition of Italian citizenship must be carried out personally by the interested party, beyond the fact that he can count on the service of a manager to guide him in the process. assembling files, get the necessary minutes, etc.

Italian nationality has no ancestry limit, it now costs 300 euros.

Italian citizenship has no ancestry limit, it costs 300 euros today.

The tour must be requested at Italian consulate corresponding to the jurisdiction of the domicile of the person interested in the Prenot @ mi platform of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Everyone IArgentinian documents must be legalized, apostilled and translated into Italian. It involves another additional cost.

Another option is to travel to Italy to apply for citizenship there. As explained Eliana Diehl, CEO of ArgentApp, the Bugle “A lot of people go to Italy, to get citizenship, and in the end they end up living there, because the average processing time is now 6 months. During this time, many get used to the place, they enroll the boys in school and they stay. “

How is Spanish citizenship treated?

Currently it is only transmitted from parent to child, therefore, you should search for the birth certificates of these ancestors. Among the documents that must be collected, there are:

  • The option certificate for Spanish nationality (printed form provided by the Consulate).
  • Birth certificate of the applicant.
  • Literal certificate of birth from the Spanish civil status of the Spanish parents.
  • Parents’ Spanish passport.

The cost of filing the Spanish citizenship application is approximately 103.02 euros.

Then you have to enter the website of the consulate with an office in Argentina, send a photo of all the documentation and wait to receive the tour. Usually, the citizenship presentation is done by a lawyer or a social science graduate. However, anyone who aspires to obtain Spanish nationality must take a nationality test and prepare:

In fact, there are two; we get the Spanish DELE diploma level A2 or higher, which certifies a basic knowledge of the Spanish language, and the other is the test of constitutional and socio-cultural knowledge of Spain (CCSE), which certifies knowledge of the Spanish Constitution and Spanish social and cultural reality.

Those with Italian or Spanish nationality enjoy advantages if they decide to live in any nation in the community.  Photo: Reuters

Those who have Italian or Spanish nationality enjoy advantages if they decide to live in any nation in the community. Photo: Reuters

If you are unable to obtain citizenship, there are different visa options, depending on the activity to be carried out.

What are the visas for living in Spain and Italy?

In the case of Spain, stakeholders must be regularly on Spanish territory and do not have a criminal record in the countries where they have resided for the past five years. Visas are processed in the Consulate General of Spain in Buenos Aires and the cost starts at $ 1,100.

. Long-term visa: if you are going to stay for more than 90 days, you can request this authorization. It is requested during the first eight days of stay in the country and must present, among other documents, a electronic tax stamp about 14 euros; the total cost of the procedure varies between 80 and 200 euros.

. Study visa: allows for study in Spain and after six months it can be converted into a visa with the possibility of working four hours a day. He is treated at the Spanish Embassy in Argentina.

The the documents to be presented are: valid passport; Criminal record; medical certificate; bank statement, pension or aid that demonstrates that the interested party will be able to support himself during his stay and certificate issued by the Spanish entity where he will be studied.

In the case of Italy, this visa is used for a stay more than 90 days, and to get this permit you must be over 14 years old. You can stay up to a year and have the option of renewal.

. Non-profit visa: It allows live and travel in Spain and the rest of Europe but can’t work; that yes: it will be necessary to count on the monthly income which will allow to reside in Spain.

Currently a minimum capital of 2,259.60 euros per month and a supplement of 564.90 euros for each responsible family member. It is processed by courier agencies accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The requirements are: not to have a criminal record in the country of origin, to have medical insurance and a certificate stating that they do not suffer from a disease requiring serious repercussions on public health. It can be processed by the data subject or a manager.

More and more young professionals, alone or with their families, are thinking about a future in Europe.Photo: Clarin Archive

More and more young professionals, alone or with their family, are thinking about a future in Europe.Photo: Clarin Archive

. Entrepreneur visa: allows the interested party to develop a company of general interest and creation of new jobs, or make a investment that generates a social and economic impact in the area where it will be implemented. In addition, you can develop a project that brings technological or scientific innovation to the country.

The report can be presented in Argentina, at the Spanish consulate or within 90 days as a tourist in Spain before the Economic and Commercial Office. Also at the Directorate General of International Trade and Investments. This visa has no economic limit, but you must present a business plan. The process takes 10 days.

Main requirements: not appear as inadmissible in the territory of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement in this regard and have public or private health insurance. It can be processed by the data subject or a manager.

Work visa: the interested party needs a employment contract drawn up by your employeer that it has been authorized by the Governmental Delegation of the Town Hall where the company is located and an extract from the criminal record legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in addition to your personal documents.

This visa is sometimes difficult to obtain because Spanish companies hiring must be up to date with taxes. In the case of Italy This type of permit envisages the possibility for the applicant to establish an activity for own account.

The person concerned must present himself personally at the embassy of his country 20 working days before his departure, at least, with a copy of the document of “One stop shop for immigration” of the company or the contracting person; the reservation of the plane ticket, and specify what your accommodation will be.

Eight days after your arrival in Italy, you must go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to obtain the permit, which costs 90 euros.

In the case of Spain, after 90 days and if it will continue in the country, you have to register at Central register of foreigners, as explained on the official website of the Consulate of Spain in Buenos Aires.

the NIE (identification number for foreigners) this is another extremely important document if you want to live in Spain. Not only does it allow you to legally reside in Spain, but it will also give you the possibility to: register for Social Security, open a bank account in any bank, open a business, work, buy a car or a house , file a tax return and access to public services.



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