How did China become a great world power? The 100 years of the Communist Party and the objectives for when those of the Revolution are fulfilled


On Thursday July 1, in front of an overflowing Tiananmen Square, the historic center of Beijing and of Chinese history, President Xi Jinping exclaimed: “We have fulfilled the objective of struggle set for the first centenary (of the Chinese Communist Party), culminating in the integral construction of a moderately well-off society in our vast territory, with the question of absolute poverty already. historically resolved, and we are moving with overwhelming vigor towards the objective of the struggle fixed for the second (that of the People’s Republic, which will be achieved in 2049): to achieve the overall construction of a powerful modern socialist country”.

The CCP, the largest political party in the world, This month celebrates its first century of life, since this 1921 complex where, a decade after the fall of the last emperor, the end of thousands of dynastic years, a handful of rulers led by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao decided to form a new organization. Among them was Mao Zedong, a young man from Hunan Province.

This story, but above all the balance of his management within the government, which began in 1949 with the founding of New China after Red Army victory in civil war, the contributions of the global South to the theory and practice of international relations in Chinese foreign policy, the economic planning carried out meticulously until today, including the profound transformations initiated by Deng Xiaoping, the fight against poverty , the interviews with the young leaders of the CCP and the current situation of the Chinese foundations for having achieved its place in the world, compose a book that the University of Congress has just published: China. Democracy, political representation and social legitimacy. Results 100 years after the founding of the CCP.

The book includes a presentation by the Argentine Ambassador to Beijing, Sabino Vaca Narvaja, and a preface by the former Chilean Ambassador Fernando Reyes Matta. The authors of each chapter are Juan Cruz Campagna (coordinator), Néstor Restivo, Gustavo Ng, Mercedes Sola, María José Haro Sly, Nicolás Canosa, Matías Lioni, Dafne Esteso and Martín Rosengardt.

Xi Jinping said in his speech that in the face of “the great revitalization of the Chinese nation,” his country “looks forward to the advent of a great leap – from ascent to modest prosperity and nascent strength – and that the materialization of the great revitalization of the Chinese nation has entered into an irreversible historical process “by” the firm maintenance and improvement of socialism with Chinese peculiarities.

In the speech, as in all official texts or Chinese presentations, capitalism is not mentioned, except to condemn it..

The UC book gives an account of this path, without ignoring that since the last two decades of the 20th century, China has taken over and redefined the western production model for their own benefit, incorporating what served their purposes and rejecting what was harmful. When imbalances (social, environmental, territorial) were generated, as was the case, they were reviewed to improve and correct them.

The “Chineseization of Marxism”

Xi spoke of the “Chineseization of Marxism” as the key, and of “the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up” to move forward “in the new stage of development“, Its” new conception “linked to” high quality and promoting independence and self-improvement in terms of science and technology “, areas where China is making giant strides.

In the presentation of the book, Vaca Narvaja writes that China has displayed “real scientific achievements in recent years like being the first power to land a probe on the far side of the moon and recently being the third country to obtain lunar samples ”.

His technological development allowed it “to break records in the exploration of the seabed by reaching nearly 11 thousand meters deep at the bottom of the Mariana Trench” or “to complete its own BEIDOU satellite navigation system, thus becoming the third country the world to have a global satellite navigation system ”.

As a leader in “communication technologies such as 5G, it is also advancing in artificial intelligence, data center development and cloud computing”.

Great power

After the first chapter of the subscriber – historian and journalistic director of the magazine DangDai on the relations between Argentina and China -, in which the original process of the CCP is recounted in a clandestine congress in Shanghai, in the convulsed China of the 1920s of the last century, Campagna, professor and researcher at UC, describes the institutional functioning of the CCP and mentions some of the most representative aspects of the political system as well as Xi Jinping’s Role in Leading China to a Great Power.

In the chapter devoted to economics, Matías Leoni, master’s degree at Peking Normal University, analyzes The Rise of China from a Planning Perspective in the Context of Economics. This chapter periodizes different cycles, notably the one opened with the reform and opening of Deng in the late 1970s, emphasizes the objective of the well-being of the people on the capitalization of the economy and concludes that in political leadership of the Party to lead to the State, “one of the secrets is that the said leadership was so strong that it was able to rebalance the balance of power between sovereign and transnational capital, even in favor of the creation of ‘a strong and powerful Chinese capital’.

Strategic targets

Ng, who shares with this author the edition of the aforementioned publication and together they have compiled a previous book on UC (China. Overcome poverty), returns to the question and describes the role of the CCP in this success, which end of 2020 led to the complete eradication of homelessness.

It is evident how both in the Quinquennial Plan XIII As in successive government reports presented during legislative sessions last year, the highest priority has been given to achieving this objective and it describes the strategy put in place on the ground to achieve it.

María José Haro Sly (master’s degree from the University of Renmin), Nicolás Canosa (Instituto Patria) and the Brazilian academic journal Ricardo Lopes Kotz China’s foreign policy strategy, its link with the countries of the South and the so-called “peaceful ascension”.

Mercedes Sola, Academic Coordinator of UC’s Buenos Aires Campus and Academic Director of the International Chair of China and Latin America Studies, all of whose authors form a team, performs an interdisciplinary exercise, connects the concepts of traditional Chinese philosophy, international reality and interculturality of peoples, evoking the need for knowledge between societies despite the geographical distance and the relevance of the CCP which transcends its internal borders.

Finally, in the book, there is an interview that Dafne Esteso (graduate of Peking Normal University) and Martín Rozendgart (masters of Shanghai University) conducted with the young leaders of the CCP Fu Li and Shan Wiyue, both very knowledgeable about Argentina. , to talk about development of “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, the leading role of the Party and the importance that Argentina and China place on youth, as well as the future of both countries.


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