How did the false news of the young Dutch woman appear …


The death of a 17-year-old Dutch girl, who was suffering from a severe picture of anxiety, depression and anorexia, quickly attracted worldwide attention for a detail that was finally denied. Earlier versions claimed that Noa Pothoven, a victim of repeated badual abuse during her childhood, would have ended her days through euthanasia authorized by the Dutch state.

In the Netherlands, euthanasia is legal but only under strict conditions. Assistance to death can be requested by patients when the suffering is unbearable, that there is no prospect of improvement and that there is no no influence on the decision. People who request it should receive information about their condition, treatment prospects and another independent doctor must approve the application.

In the case of a minor, parental consent is also required. Contrary to what was stated in the initial coverage of the case, the young woman's request for access to euthanasia was rejected.

However, news containing bad news has been around the world. After consulting Dutch journalists, Page / 12 He was able to confirm that the case had been treated differently in the local media and in the rest of the world.

The explanation is that the information was disseminated by the Central European News News Agency, which is responsible for reproducing local notes and translating them into English so that they are accessible to foreign media. According to The Guardian, the same organization had already been denounced on other occasions for providing false information in its articles.

"There is a lot of misinformation in the international press about Noa's tragic death, her friends and her family want people to know that she did not die of euthanasia, I ask everyone the media to respect the privacy of Noa's family and allow her to mourn peacefully, "said MP Lisa Westerveld.


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