How Diego Maradona’s death impacted the days …


Diego Armando Maradona, one of Argentina’s most influential figures in history, died on Wednesday at the age of 60 from cardiac decompensation, which caused deep unrest worldwide. The international media quickly picked up the news.

From Brazil, the newspaper Or balloon titled: “Diego Maradona, football genius, dies at 60”. In his descent, he emphasizes that he was “one of the best players of all time”.

“Naples is crying, Maradona is dead”, published the Italian newspaper The Republic, who also posted various ten career notes, while The imprint He spoke of the “golden kid”.

For its part, the British media BBC News spoke of the death of a “football legend” and Online Mail he recalled that “the goal of ‘Mano de Dios’ destroyed the dreams of England at the 1986 World Cup”. British newspaper Mirror published “the infamous hand of God”.

Finally, the medium of German origin German wave published “in mourning for football star Diego Maradona” and the American newspaper The New York Times He remembered him as “one of the best football players”.


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