How do they see the Argentine electoral pulse in the United States


FROM WASHINGTON. From the equivalent to something close to the "demon", to the constitution of a question mark (sign of the question), yes, from the disturbing background.

With this simple yet effective image, a senior US government official in Washington has agreed to chart the way to Fernández-Fernández (FF) confidence in this territory where summer has burned. at more than 30 degrees.

The version of Kirchnerism "Soft"It is still far from undermining the support that Mauricio Macri keeps almost intact in the offices of the US bureaucracy and, especially, the pillars of the half-built economic policy: structural exile of the budget deficit, deregulation and openness of the economy. economy.

The president is seen as a guarantee that Argentina will continue to move forward and thus retains its status as the only definitive remedy against "populism".

In a very close synthesis, this table outlined various leaders of North American politics and economics to the delegation of Argentine journalists who visited Washington offices and from which The voice it was a part.

The trip was organized by the United States Chamber of Commerce in Argentina (AmCham) and included meetings with important state representatives, international financial organizations, major media publishers, and referees. large companies. Almost all these conversations took place outside the microphone.

The lukewarm change of perspective in Washington on the FF binomial blames the impact of the dialogues that several leaders of this space have with officials of the Trump administration. In May, Axel Kicillof (candidate for governor of Buenos Aires) made a visit and, a few weeks later, a large group of mayors and trade unionists from Buenos Aires pbaded through the State Department. The Argentineans sought to mitigate the fears of Washington and Wall Street on the turning point likely to generate an economic return and a debt on the part of K.

In the financial sector, the arena where Argentina's bonds are evolving also speaks of a certain calm stemming from the "convergence towards the center" that they observe in the formulas that polarize the presidential election. . In this scenario, they decrease (without disabling) the chances of extreme measures as a fault sovereign debt after November. "The" Venezuela scenario "for Argentina is starting to lose its strength," wrote the economist adviser to an international bank.

"Whoever wins will not have the place to go back to the past," said another of those visited in the offices of the Washington mansion.

Vote for Macri

In any case, the most contributing factor to tranquility in this scenario is the widespread belief that Macri will be re-elected.

That's what the majority of North American interlocutors said during this tour. And also a survey conducted by AmCham in this context, generated by XPInvestments from 52 financial groups and investment funds based in New York: 90% think that Macri is the one who has the best chance of taking it .

This survey, conducted some time ago, attributes to Macri a very low chance of failure to pay Sovereign debt of Argentina and an almost inverse proportion of the Fernández formula. In this pair, the risk factor for the markets is focused on Cristina Fernández and on the role she may or may not play in future management.

"If (Fernandez) put more than six or seven points to change in the Step, it could have sold (big sales to get rid of Argentine papers)," they warn.

And they put a number to hope contained after the mystery of the electoral process and the resulting economic trajectory: $ 4,500 million in direct productive investment of American businesses in the country, already approved and waiting for the definition of the scene. made. Most are intended for energy, with axis at Vaca Muerta.

What are companies waiting for? In one sentence: strong signals that the economic course will continue to deepen through the path initiated by Macri.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 14/07/2019 in our print edition.


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