How do you remove a four-meter boa stuck in a water pipe? This is what they did in Burma | the Chronicle


A python was rescued after moving away from its natural habitat and got stuck in a pipe leading to an industrial complex in Burma, the news agency reported. Reuters.

The official of the forestry department Arith Dey He led the rescue effort and explained that it took almost three hours, until they were finally able to pull the snake out of that hole. “Now we are going to take her with us and release her in the forest of Baikunthapur.”, he detailed.

“I can’t say precisely before measuring, but it must be over 4 meters long.”, Dey described in a dialogue with local Burmese media.

In the video, you can see how Baikunthapur forest workers wet the animal’s body with the same pool of water that emptied the hole the python had stuck in.

With this technique, they were able to pull the body of the animal and finally managed to get it out. The last image shows the animal stretched out by the rangers, testifying to the large size of the Burmese python.


Source: Reuters


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