How does Argentina rank in the ranking of countries according to the number of vaccinated against the coronavirus


A week after the application of the coronavirus vaccine began in Argentina, the global data measurement organization Our World in Data, which depends on the University of Oxford, began preparing the ranking with the countries that are already applying for immunization.

One of the main disease statistics compilers shows Argentina’s position in the period from December 29 to this Tuesday, on a map updated every 7 hours.

Depending on the chosen parameter, the position of the country varies. Thus, Argentina, one of the first in the world to start vaccinating its population, was in seventh place on Tuesday according to the daily doses administered per million people.

This ranking is led by the United States, followed by Denmark, the United Kingdom, Bahrain, Russia and Germany. After Argentina appear Italy, Estonia, Canada, Poland, China, Mexico and France.

One of the rankings produced by Our World in Data.

One of the rankings produced by Our World in Data.

In the ranking of 100 people, however, the country ranked 15th on Tuesday, while it was 12th in the number of doses administered, with just over 32,000, albeit with updated data so far. to December 31st.

According to published data, the countries with the highest number of people vaccinated per 100 inhabitants are Israel, Bahrain, United Kingdom and United States.

Another classification of the agency.

Another classification of the agency.

Last October, the agency erased Argentina from its global tally of “unclear” information. “The official figures added by the government are not of sufficient quality to correctly reflect the scope of the tests,” said Edouard Mathieu, one of the members of the organization, on Twitter.

At that time, the Nation’s Minister of Health, Ginés González García, spoke about this decision and admitted the error.

“Attentive to the expansion of the Federal Detect strategy, which implies an extension of the diagnoses performed, many of which in territorial operations, it has been observed that in some jurisdictions the uploading of data to the national health surveillance system (SNVS) is carried out by prioritizing positive cases, ”admitted the Ministry of Health in a statement.

Fifty days later, the NGO again entered the country in the global registers of infections, cumulative cases, changes in the curve, rates per million inhabitants, deaths and tests.

Amid high expectations and also the mistrust aroused by a certain lack of scientific information, the operation to apply the first 300,000 doses of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine against Covid began simultaneously across the country. a stage dedicated exclusively to healthcare personnel.

The Russian vaccine began to be applied on December 29 in Argentina.  Photo credit: Mauricio Nievas

The Russian vaccine began to be applied on December 29 in Argentina. Photo credit: Mauricio Nievas

The national average coverage, based on the current availability of Sputnik V, it would be 76% if the goal were to vaccinate all doctors and nurses. Fifteen provinces meet or are above this ratio. Nine districts are below average. The priority will be those who are on the front line of fire against the coronavirus.

The national government nearly struck a deal with China through the Ministry of Health to purchase one million vaccines from state-owned Sinopharm. This million is part of the package of 30 million in total that the administration Alberto Fernández wants to buy from this country. As he knew Bugle, this first million could arrive in the second half of January.

The coronavirus pandemic is gone more than half a million cases worldwide in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 86 million since the start of the pandemic, which has also left more than 1.8 million dead worldwide, according to data released by Johns Hopkins University.



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