How effective are AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines against the delta variant


What percent coverage do Pfizer BioNTech and AstraZeneca Oxford vaccines provide against the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 (Photo: REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration)
What percent coverage do Pfizer BioNTech and AstraZeneca Oxford vaccines provide against the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 (Photo: REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration)

As things progress the Delta variant advances in the world at high speed being the main one in some cases, real-time studies seek to determine the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines available against this strain.

Experts agree that in general, all inoculants offer strong protection against serious illness and hospitalizations from the novel coronavirus. Now alrightwhat results were collected by Pfizer BioNTech and AstraZeneca Oxford?

In the case of the North American pharmaceutical company, which, in alliance with the German biotechnology company BioNTech, developed the first messenger RNA vaccine to be applied to the arms of millions of people for the first time in the history of science, from Pfizer reiterated that their formulation works against the Delta mutation and they even added that plan to study a formula designed and directed against this variation of SARS-CoV-2. They announced they would launch clinical trials in August.

As studied in the UK, where Delta is already dominant and more than half the population has already been fully vaccinated, the current death rate of around 0.085% is up to 20 times lower than at the start of the peak of the epidemic. . So he warned Meaghan Kall, epidemiologist of the Public health England (PHE).

But what is happening in terms of preventing infection and therefore transmission and spread?


With just one application of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, you may be protected against symptomatic infection of this variant. Various studies show that 56% of protection has been achieved in Canada; Tests in Scotland have shown 33% immunity and similar tests in England 33%.

In addition, with a dose of this vaccine, it is likely that one will be protected against hospitalization against the Delta variant. This is how it looks efficacy recorded in studies conducted in England which showed 94% protection and 78% in trials conducted in Canada, 78%.

With the complete messenger RNA vaccination schedule consisting of two injections every 21 days, you may be protected against asymptomatic Delta variant infection. In this case with two doses, the effectiveness recorded in studies carried out in England coverage reaches 88%, 87% in Canada, 83% in Scotland and 63% in Israel.

Faced with the hospitalization of Delta variant patients vaccinated by Pfizer, the efficacy recorded in the studies was 96% in England and 93% in Israel 93%.


Similar are the results of AstraZeneca, an inoculant applied massively by Argentina against COVID-19. This chimpanzee non-replicating viral vector platform vaccine, It consists of two doses applied to people over 18 years of age and its second application is indicated 28 to 84 days after the first. Its overall effectiveness is around 76% in clinical trials in the United States..

Compared to the Delta variant, one dose of Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine is likely to provide protection against symptomatic Delta variant infection, with a study-reported efficacy of 67% in Canada and 33% in Scotland and England. Regarding the risk of hospitalization, efficacy reported in studies of 88% in Canada and 71% in England.

With the complete scheme, that is to say with two doses, AstraZeneca Oxford is likely to provide protection against symptomatic Delta variant infection, with efficacy reported in studies of 61% in Scotland and 60% in England. Finally, with the two inoculations and Regarding the risk of hospitalization, the pharmaceutical company said it recorded 92% coverage in England.

As the Delta variant progresses around the world at high speed, being in some cases the primary one, real-time studies seek to determine the effectiveness of available COVID-19 vaccines against this strain (Photo: Europa Press)
As the Delta variant progresses around the world at high speed, being in some cases the primary one, real-time studies seek to determine the effectiveness of available COVID-19 vaccines against this strain (Photo: Europa Press)

It is important to stress that the application of two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine is crucial to protect against this variant which appeared in India. This is indicated in a press release from the European Medicines Agency which urged European countries to speed up their vaccination programs with the inoculations approved therein, which are those of Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.

Preliminary evidence suggests that two doses of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine are needed to provide adequate protection against the Delta variant.“Said the EMA, adding that” adherence to the recommended immunization schedule is vital to receive the highest protection. “

“People who have been fully vaccinated with any of the vaccines approved by the EU appear to be well protected against the delta variant coronavirus,” the European Medicines Agency (EMA) said based on the latest scientific data.

"Real-world efficacy studies with various vaccines show good protection, especially against serious diseases", warns WHO
“Efficacy studies in real conditions with various vaccines show good protection, especially against serious diseases”, warns WHO

In coincidence with the recommendation to vaccinate the population with two doses, the vice-president of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Infectology, Roberto Debbag, recently insured Infobae What “It is possible that in the coming days Argentina will have a community circulation of DeltaAnd warned that the only way to avoid a third wave is to complete the immunization schedule in as many people as possible as soon as possible.

“Today’s photo is of an Argentina with a vaccination rate of two doses that would not protect against a new pandemic wave produced by this new, more contagious variant,” the medical specialist said in statements to Radio bolster.

From his experience, the infectologist Debbag recalled that “When this happens, at two or three weeks it starts to increase, and at three or four weeks as an accelerated spiral, with an increase in the number of infections. This photo can only be changed by increasing the vaccination rate of the person who has two doses”.

Infographic: Marcelo Regalado


Study in Israel noted that Pfizer’s vaccine is 70% effective against Delta variant of COVID-19
Moderna claims its COVID-19 vaccine is effective against Delta variant
Coronavirus in Argentina: nine new cases of the Delta variant have been detected in travelers
Coronavirus cases on the rise in most of the United States due to the Delta variant

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