How is Lula da Silva's life in prison, almost a year after his arrest – 31/03/2019


In a week, Sunday, April 7, the former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will serve a one-year prison sentence at the end of his 12-year sentence of imprisonment for a corruption case under the giant Lava Jato operation. Since then, the former union leader lives isolated in a space of 15 square meters at the headquarters of the Federal Police in Curitiba, capital of the state of Paraná, in the south of the country.

The newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo He explains in detail in a long note how the life of the leader of the Workers Party, who could not stand in the presidential elections last October, won by the ultra-right Jair Bolsonaro.

Lula's room, which used to be used by travel police officers, does not contain bars. It is limited to a bathroom, a closet, a table with four chairs, a treadmill for exercise and a TV with USB input that only allows to open the TV channels.

Lula was released from prison on March 2 for the funeral of his grandson. / REUTERS

Lula was released from prison on March 2 for the funeral of his grandson. / REUTERS

On weekdays, in the morning, he talks for an hour with his lawyer, Luiz Carlos da Rocha, "Rochinha", Folha published this Sunday in its online edition. In the afternoon, talk to another lawyer, Manuel Caetano, who visits him every day.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

"The rest of the time remains isolated in the room," located on the fourth floor of the police unit, according to the newspaper San Pablo.

On Thursdays, he receives members of his family in the afternoon. In the morning, he receives the visit of two friends, usually politicians. Three times a week, he goes out to sunbathe. "It circulates in a small space of 40 square meters where once was a" fumódromo ", on the third floor," explains Folha.

Until January, Lula received religious leaders. But Judge Carolina Lebbos, who oversees the execution of the former president's sentence, has banned these meetings, although Brazilian law provides for the right to religious badistance. A consultation with a police chaplain herself was planned, but that did not happen.

"Lula spoke with priests, pastors, Buddhists, ombandists, people of all religions, and meeting them made him more alive.He spends most of his time alone, isolated in the cell. talks was sad for him, "said lawyer Rocha at the São Paulo newspaper.

The newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo He recounts essential facts in the life of the former president in prison: "The former president always wakes up before 7 pm He hears the" good morning president "shouted from the outside by activists of the camp "free Lula" that has been installed. "This gives him courage," said Gilberto Carvalho, friend and chief of staff at the time of the presidency (2003-2010). "

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the agent Jorge Chastalo Filho opens the door of the room. Invariably, he finds Lula wearing a tennis jersey or the Corinthians football team jersey. Three times a week, the agent measures the blood sugar index of the former presidentwho is suffering from prediabetes. According to Folha, the glucometer, a finger pricker sold in pharmacies, was taken by relatives of the president.

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The newspaper says that Lula eats the same as the other prisoners. "The officer always makes sure to take at random one of the jars from the box serving detainees from the entire police headquarters," Folha says.

Supporters of former Brazilian President Lula da Silva demonstrate last November to demand his release in front of the police headquarters where he has been imprisoned since April 2018 in Curitiba. / AFP

Supporters of former Brazilian President Lula da Silva demonstrate last November to demand his release in front of the police headquarters where he has been imprisoned since April 2018 in Curitiba. / AFP

During this year in prison, Lula was checked at least three times by her doctors in the cell. They have direct contact with Chastalo, the agent who coexists more closely with the former president. Before being imprisoned, the PT leader had already quit smoking and had gotten into the habit of exercising.

In prison, he walks almost every day on the treadmill and receives gymnastics elastics to strengthen his arms and legs. The president has in mind sequences of exercises that his trainer, Marcio, gave him when he was free. But in addition, he gets advice from his guards when he does something wrong, such as a repetitive movement that can cause injury.

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In the October elections, the cell was transformed into a political office.says Folha de Sao Paulo. The candidate Fernando Haddad and other members of the PT holding an attorney degree, such as former MP Wadih Damous and the former mayor of Osasco Emídio de Souza, have been authorized to defend him in their proceedings. Thus, they could go to see him outside the days of visit, under the pretext of badyzing his defense.

Lula sat down at the table with them and discussed strategies. He was encouraged by the chances of Haddad after the protests against Bolsonaro with the motto "he did not". He thought that the rejection of the right-wing leader could increase and that the PT would act in the opposite direction.

In the second round, however, Lula was discouraged to learn that Haddad's campaign advisers had decided to remove his image from that of the former president. There was no more meeting with the candidate and Lula saw on television the sinking of the campaign of his dolphin, reports the newspaper São Paulo.

Agent Chastalo, who lives with the former president in jail, says that The election of Bolsonaro was one of the saddest days for him, only surpbaded by the tragic death of his 7-year-old grandson Arthur for meningitis, which occurred on March 1. Lula calculated that besides the political defeat, the result of the polls would also indicate a long period of imprisonment.

According to her relatives, Lula believes that her freedom does not depend on legal issues. He says that he can only recover his freedom when the political environment changes.

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The head of the PT was sentenced in first and second instance for the triplex of the city of Guarujá and in first instance for a weekend house in Atibaia. As part of the Lava Jato, the then judge Sergio Moro – now Minister of Justice Bolsonaro – was relentless with the former president. If the sum of the two sentences remains the same as today, in 25 years, Lula, 73 years old, could get a semi-open regime, with outings in the day, with at least four years in prison, according to Folha.

In July 2018, when Judge Rogerio Favreto decided to grant him liberty, on habeas corpus petition, Lula arrived to pack the bags and go to the elevator. But before reaching the ground floor, he learned that the decision had been rejected by another judge.

During this legal round trip, it turned out, among friends and supporters, that Lula was depressed. But those who accompany him deny it They say that in fact, what the former president considers as anger, but not depression.

Still imprisoned and unable to give interviews for judicial decisions, Lula did not give up politics. He reports on every step of the Bolsonaro government and badesses as real the risk that the president will be moved by his own military forces, according to Folha's article.

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"Lula receives press summaries and reports that his lawyers bring him the documents of his process, he also receives pen readers where the meetings of the PT's board of directors and the parties' discussions on the reform of the retreats, which is being processed in Congress.The former president is watching everything on television before meeting with other members, such as the party's deputy Gleisi Hoffmann, " Folha.

"For entertainment, he often looks at novels and football matches, but being imprisoned in Paraná presents an additional complication, as he tells his friends and family: they broadcast few Corinthian games," Folha explains.


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