How is Maduro financed? Between sanctions and sale of gold bullion


How is Maduro financed? Between sanctions and sale of gold bullion – LA NACION

Inés Capdevila

Then, the main concepts:

  • All money throws are closed to


    . The director was closed on Monday, with the government's decision to


    of the oil embargo


    . 30% of decimated oil production goes to the United States today.

  • The United States decides that the accounts on which this money will be transferred will no longer be managed by the Maduro government, but by the government.

    Juan Guaidó

    . The money that goes into an account will be blocked and to which only Guaidó and the opposition will have access.

  • All the protagonists of this international crusade against Maduro have an interest. For example, the Lima group, for which the crisis in Venezuela is gigantic because the Venezuelan exodus implies that many countries host migrants. They also consider that the outbreak of such a humanitarian crisis can have an impact on the image of the entire region and destabilize it, not only in Venezuela.
  • Today, Maduro's power lies in the control of weapons, via the armed forces, and the control of money, via PDVSA, a company that generates 96% of Venezuelan state revenue. . PDVSA sold 3 million barrels a day 10 years ago, a cataract of dollars. Due to the ineffectiveness of PDVSA, this number has fallen to just over a million barrels a day. And on top of that, the price of oil has also been cut in half by many global variables.
  • This essentially gives 9 million dollars available to operate in a country of 28 million inhabitants. From there, all the famine is deducted, there is no money to import food and medicine. The little that remains is cut, and it is likely that he will soon run out of his millions of dollars.

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