How is the city billionaire Marc Lore plans to build for $ 400,000 million in the middle of the desert


Marc Lore, billionaire and former Walmart executive, revealed ambitious plans to create a sustainable metropolis which should be built from scratch in the desert of America.

The fabulous project is presented as “a new city in America which sets a global standard for urban living, expands human potential and becomes a model for future generations. “

What will the amazing city look like

From what has been published, his name would be Telos, taken from the ancient Greek word “telos”, used by the philosopher Aristotle to describe an inherent or superior purpose.

It would work in a space of over 600 square kilometers and that would have a cost that can leave more than one speechless: $ 400,000 million.

The city would operate in an area of ​​over 600 square kilometers and would cost $ 400,000 million.

The city would operate in an area of ​​over 600 square kilometers and would cost $ 400,000 million.

As for some features, they promise a ecological architecture, sustainable energy production and drought resistant water system, informs CNN.

Another striking and striking fact, even more for those who are used to the chaos of big cities, is that it is called: the “city at 15 minutes”. And it has to do with allowing its residents to access their workplaces, schools and services within a quarter of an hour’s journey from their homes.

The outlet also revealed some of the points in the United States where the company is considering possible locations: the states of Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Arizona and Texas.

Marc Lore is an American businessman and investor who was the CEO of Walmart US eCommerce.

Marc Lore is an American businessman and investor who was the CEO of Walmart US eCommerce.

Transparent government

Beyond its innovative, futuristic and eco-responsible urban design, it also aims to set up transparent governance to establish a “new model of society”.

In this way the city allow residents to participate directly in the decision-making and budgeting process.

Of course, a project of this magnitude has generous deadlines. Therefore, the project date is brought forward the year 2030, and there they would live 5 million people.

The first phase of construction, which would house 50,000 inhabitants on 600 hectares, has an estimated cost of 25 billion dollars.

The company is considering possible locations: the states of Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Arizona and Texas.

The company is considering possible locations: the states of Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Arizona and Texas.

Funding is not a minor issue, which will come from “a variety of sources,” project organizers said, including private investors, philanthropists, federal and state grants, and economic development grants.

Images of the future city

A series of digital renderings by the design firm Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), from the prominent Danish architect Bjarke Ingels which takes over the project, accompanied the announcement of the Lore project.

The images provided reveal green residential buildings and imaginary neighbors enjoying abundant open spaces, a concept necessary to move forward.

Telosa will have a lot of vegetation and open spaces.

Telosa will have a lot of vegetation and open spaces.

Another of the postcards created shows a skyscraper, called “Equitism Tower”, which is described as “a beacon for the city”.

This building would be equipped with water storage, aeroponic farms and a photovoltaic roof that would allow it to “share and distribute everything it produces”.

“The cities that have been built from scratch so far are more like real estate projects,” Lore says in a video promoting the project.

Bjarke Ingels, the Danish architect responsible for Marc Lore's project.

Bjarke Ingels, the Danish architect responsible for Marc Lore’s project.

And underlines a key point: “They don’t start with the people at the center. Because if you started with people at the center, you would immediately think, “OK, what is the mission and what are the values? ” Telosa’s mission is to create a more equitable and sustainable future. It is our pole star, ”it says on the website.

Who is Marc Lore

Marc Eric Lore is a 50-year-old businessman and investor born in New York, USA.

when your business, an e-commerce site launched in 2014, was acquired by Walmart for $ 3.3 billion.

Previously, Lore was CEO and co-founder of Quidsi, the parent company of a family of websites that included, which in 2011 beat Amazon for $ 545 million.

Lore was chosen in 2016 to lead Walmart's e-commerce division.

Lore was chosen in 2016 to lead Walmart’s e-commerce division.

Just that 2011 he was named Regional Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Youn, one of “Smarter people in technology” for Fortune, and famous businessman Matt Higgins nicknamed him “The LeBron James of e-commerce”.


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