How long could “Chuponcito” spend in prison for sexual harassment and extortion


The comedian faces up to 6 years in prison Photo: Instagram @ chuponcitoflores07
The comedian faces up to 6 years in prison Photo: Instagram @ chuponcitoflores07

In an interview given for the program The sun is rising, the lawyer of the three women who accuse José Alberto Flores Chuponcito “ for having raped them, claimed that the actor he could go to jail for his crimes.

“It is very close that a binding hearing is held before the supervisory judges. And they go with sorrows from 1 to 6 years in prison It depends on the criminal motive, ”he said. Manuel Valades in a conversation with the morning drivers.

The artist’s ex-girlfriend, barbarian road, his former assistant, Carla Oaxaca, and the dancer Ivonne Luévano are the women who came together for sue the actor for sexual harassment and extortion.

We just want justice done and I hope our case serves all these women, that they talk, don’t be silent, speak louder. It’s horrible, through harassment and extortion. It’s very ugly, really, women: don’t shut it up, ”Barbara said on the show.

For her part, Carla expressed her rejection of the video in which the comedian dispensed with wearing makeup to talk about her case: “She just took it off (her makeup) and I did not understand the reason ,why if he didn’t say anything? “.

The plaintiffs claim he has committed various attacks against them over the years (Photo: Instagram @ chuponcitoflores07)
The plaintiffs claim he has committed various attacks against them over the years (Photo: Instagram @ chuponcitoflores07)

Ivonne assured that she had been harassed for more than seven years for the accused: “I want you to know that I was looking for another job because I was leaving because of the harassment. I worked in other places, but the man was in charge of talking to my boss at that time for me to come and I will come back with him, ”said the dancer.

The last three years that he has worked with the comedian, he I asked her for nude photos and intimate videos, to which she he categorically refused, resulting in repeated unjustified dismissals which they forced her to access.

The need to have the salary, which several times was conditioned by the artist’s humor, Because he paid her less if he wanted to, it caused her to endure the harassment and extortion she suffered on the job for several years.

Ivonne claimed to have made a mistake in agreeing to send her intimate material, but today she is convinced that justice will be served against his aggressor: “I’m sure there could be more. I I invite you to speak, don’t stay with that. It’s very strong, it’s very hard, it’s very difficult to talk about it but please don’t be silent ”.

The comedian removed his makeup in a video Photo: YouTube / Chuponcito TV screenshot
The comedian removed his makeup in a video Photo: YouTube / Chuponcito TV screenshot

“Chuponcito” broadcast live on June 17 via his channel Youtube and said the following words: “I would like to thank all the people for their support, their love, and also those who judge sadly without knowing, they judge without knowing, but then they are few and nothing happens. I don’t know why they insult when they don’t know me, or they don’t know Alberto Flores”.

“Today, due to situations that attacked Lollipop, and I think they are not worth it, it’s a day, for me, for Alberto and for the family, sad“Said the actor and after his statements he began to remove makeup that characterizes him.

“I think a trial is being held outside the authorities. I don’t know the laws, but apparently it’s not right. I show myself to you cause it’s time, I want you to see the person who brings life to Lollipop”, He declared and concluded that the people who accuse him give false testimony.


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