How long will it continue to snow in Greater Mendoza?


Low temperatures, typical of winter and July days, were installed this week in Mendoza and in much of the country. In the province Monday entered a polar front that dropped the maximum to no more than 10 degrees.

And yesterday still lower: the highest climbed mercury was 5.5 ° at 1:30 in the morning

According to forecasts of the Provincial Continence Directorate, it will be today the last day when snow or snow falls in the city and surrounding area, at least for this week

"Generally cloudy and cold with drizzle, little change in temperature, slight southerly winds. Intense snowfall in the mountain range. Snowfall in the plain. Maximum: 6ºC, "says the report.

The cold did not generate a few inconveniences, the most important with the cut of the route 143 that goes from Pareditas to San Rafael. 39 was yesterday in the middle of the morning because of the snow that was constantly falling and accumulated at the place Divisadero del Águila, in San Carlos.

Many motorists had to wait several hours after the afternoon, the transit was reactivated once the storm had calmed down and the road cleared.

In the south of the province there was a lot of snowy precipitation : the transit on the 144 road that connects Malargüe to San Rafael, was complicated by the presence of ice on the road, especially a few kilometers before reaching the Cuesta de los Terneros

The white coat also reached Grand Mendoza, but to a lesser extent: there were snowfall e in the Luján regions, Maipú, west of Godoy Cruz and Capital, Guaymallén (areas such as Dorrego and Villa Nueva) and Las Heras (in El Challao there was a lot of snow). A postcard was Parque San Martín, with its meadows covered in white.

According to meteorologist Fernando Jara, "the cold core of the south helps this phenomenon" of polar cold that affects Mendoza. And he predicted that low temperatures will remain at least until Friday, "with the probability of snowfall both in the high mountains and in the plains."

Specifically, he badured that a snowfall is expected today in the evening or in the evening that stain all the plain of the great Mendoza white, and even tomorrow

In high mountains, meanwhile, the situation is heavy snow in some areas of the chain since Sunday, which keeps the international tunnel closed at times for transit. Just Friday, I would start to improve the weather in this area.

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