How many salaries does it take in Argentina to buy a zero kilometer car?


The true magnitude of the excessive cost of vehicles is understandable compared to other countries. According to the economics institute of this high-school home, in the United States, Australia or Germany, it takes between four and six average wages to buy a car.

With this metric, Argentina is the most expensive country in the list of countries selected for the report, because the devaluation From 2018, it liquefied wages in dollars, but the price of cars greatly accompanied the devaluation.

So, in Argentina, it takes 26 salaries to achieve the same result where, for example, in the UK 7 or in Russia 9.6 salaries are needed.

In addition, the work revealed that in Argentina, the difference between a basic model and the high end including leather seats can reach up to 50% of the total price.

For example, a car whose base model is about one million pesos can reach 1.5 million in its most complete version: this difference is the consequence, mainly, of a report of a car. economy of scale.

In countries with larger markets, "Top of the line" Their volume is greater than that of Argentina, where units are usually manufactured even after the order of the buyer: in the absence of a sufficiently large market, the high end car has the characteristics of a luxury or a luxury property, badessed the UADE.


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On the other hand, he stressed that Direct and indirect taxes on cars in Argentina represent 54.8% of the net price, if you take into account everything that the owner has to pay during the first year of use.

Compared to other countries, Brazil bears a charge of 30.4%, Spain (17.3%), Germany (16%), the United Kingdom (9.9%) and the United States (7.5%).

The report distributed to the press also indicated that the heavier tax burden "is a fundamental factor in explaining the price higher than in other markets of comparable size and that also has an automotive industry with accumulated know-how. "


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