“How many times have you visited a Covid hospital?”: PRD slammed AMLO for visiting Badiraguato, El Chapo’s birthplace


The PRD criticized the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for his visit to the municipality of Badiraguato (Photo: courtesy of the presidency)
The PRD criticized the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for his visit to the municipality of Badiraguato (Photo: courtesy of the presidency)

The Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) criticized the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for his visit to the municipality of Badiraguato, Sinaloa, on Friday July 30, as well as his statements on the planting of marijuana and fentanyl.

By a declaration, the PRD condemned AMLO’s speech during his third visit to the municipality of Badiraguato, where he expressed his concern about the marijuana plantation and because fentanyl keeps producers away from the drug trade.

The Sol Azteca evening noted that the president should have the same concern for Mexicans who have lost their jobs or business during the Covid-19 pandemic, as the country still does not have a plan to reactivate the economy.

The Sol Azteca party has stressed that the president should have the same concern for Mexicans who have lost their jobs (REUTERS / Jose Luis Gonzalez / File photo)
The Sol Azteca party has stressed that the president should have the same concern for Mexicans who have lost their jobs (REUTERS / Jose Luis Gonzalez / File photo)

The party recalled that during the last week, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) released the results of the National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH) 2020, where reported that over the past two years, general family income has fallen 5.8%.

With the statements of the Federal Executive, said the PRD, it is shown that the president’s concern focuses on the drug trafficking situation and not on the economic crisis facing Mexicans. “The priorities of his government are clear,” he accused.

He stated that the visit and his speech in the municipality while monitoring the progress of the Federal Highway Badiraguato-Guadalupe y Calvo, located in the so-called “Golden Triangle”, an area that saw the birth of one of the most violent generations of barons Mexican drugs such as Rafael Caro Quintero, Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada and the Beltrán Leyva brothers, proved that organized crime operated in alliance with its government pressure and threaten Mexicans to vote for Morena in the last election.

The PRD said the visit and its speech in the municipality showed that organized crime operated in alliance with its government (Photo: Twitter / QuirinoOC)
The PRD said the visit and its speech in the municipality showed that organized crime operated in alliance with its government (Photo: Twitter / QuirinoOC)

“It is surprising that the federal executive has visited Badiraguato, Chapo’s country, for the third time, supposedly to supervise a highway and not to seek contact with the vulnerable population. How many times have you visited a Covid hospital? How many times have you met the families of line 12 victims or the parents of children with cancer? Never. So or more clearly the president’s priorities», Affirmed the PRD.

In addition, requested that the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) intervene immediate, and reiterated that there is already a complaint of the facts in the agency with testimonies of the irregularities that occurred in the electoral process passed in the State of Michoacán, “due to crime, violence, oppression and coercion of the vote towards the electorate in favor of Morena’s party in the entity, ”he explained.

The party explained that the security strategy implemented in its administration, “hugs, not balls”, the meeting with the mother of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, that on March 29 during his visit to Badiraguato the president Mexican greeted and shook hands; and the recognition the president gave to organized crime with a “he behaved well” on June 6, are proof that the elections were marred by irregularities and violence.

The party explained that the strategy
The party explained that the strategy of “hugs, not balls” and the meeting with the mother of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán are proof that the elections were marred by irregularities and violence (EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez / Archive )

“We regret that the López Obrador government has opened the door to organized crime, in addition to not respecting the Constitution and not having a security strategy,” he concluded in the statement.

For his part, the Governor of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles, assured that the president’s visit to Badiraguato, birthplace of “El Chapo”, It’s a sign that “Morena is a narco-party”.

“After @lopezobrador_’s third visit to Badiraguato, Is there any doubt about Morena’s relationship with drug traffickers and whether organized crime operated to force citizens to vote for Morena, the president’s party, and its candidates?“, He wrote on his Twitter account.

And he added: “This is why I assert that Morena is a drug party and that the president is complacent, ignorant and permissive with the criminal groups, which are his darlings and his allies, so we cannot allow Mexico to become a narco-state. “


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