How many vaccines have countries purchased and how many doses have they received so far


Argentina signed contracts for 57,591,000, to which are added the 9 million doses allocated by the COVAX fund, which gives a total of 66,591,000 vaccines. So far it has received 4,880,540 (between Sputnik, Russia; Sinopharm, China; and Covishield, from India) which is equivalent to 7.3% of the total purchased.

Then, and in alphabetical order, how is the situation in the other countries:

Germany purchased 311.6 million vaccines and received 12.4 million, equivalent to 3.9%. Contracts concluded with: BioNtech / Pfizer for 64 million; Modern for 50.5 million; AstraZeneca for 56.3 million; Janssen /Johnson & johnson for 36.7 million; Yes CureVac for 54.1 million. Then he extended the contracts for a second batch with Pfizer for an additional 30 million and CureVac for 20 million.

Australia bought 150.4 million and received 442 thousand, a 0.3%. Contracts concluded with: BioNtech / Pfizer for 20 million doses; AstraZeneca for 53.8 million; Novavax for 51 million; has allocated some 25.6 million doses from the Covax fund.

Brazil purchased 561.9 million doses and received 25.1 million (20.6 million from Sinovac and 4.5 million from AstraZeneca), which is equivalent to 4.4%. They have contracts for 214.4 million with AstraZeneca; 100 million with Sinovac; 42.5 million with covax background; 100 million with Pfizer; 38 million with Janssen /Johnson & johnson; and 20 million to Covaxin. For their part, the governors of northeastern Brazil bought 47 million doses Sputnik V.

Bolivia purchased a total of 15,794,000 doses and received 520,000 (500,000 of the Chinese vaccine and 20,000 of the vaccine developed by Gamaleya) which represents the 3.1%. They have contracts for 5.2 million Sputnik V; 10 millions AstraZeneca; 500 thousand Sinopharm (already received); and 94 thousand Pfizer.

Chile contracted 36 million doses and received 10.7 million (10 million of the Chinese vaccine and 714 thousand of the American vaccine), almost 30% of what has been acquired. Bought 10 million BioNtech / Pfizer; 10 millions Sinovac (already received); and the remaining 16 million vaccines are subject to minor contracts with AstraZeneca, Janssen /Johnson & Johnson; Context Covax.

Colombia purchased 61.5 million vaccines and received just over 2,200,000 (1.7 million Sinovac; 517,000 Pfizer and part via the Covax mechanism) which is equivalent to 3.6%. He contracted 10 million doses with AstraZeneca, 9 million BioNtech / Pfizer, 9 million Modern; 9 million Janssen /Johnson & johnson; 20 million with the fund Covax and 2.5 million Sinovac.

Costa Rica purchased 7.1 million doses and received 557,000 (all from Pfizer), representing 0.8%. Reserved 4 million BioNtech / Pfizer; 1 million AstraZeneca; and 2 million Covax.

Ecuador bought 20 million doses and received 167 thousand, a 0.8%. Hired 6 million BioNtech / Pfizer; 5 millions AstraZeneca; 7 million Covax; and 2 million Sinovac.

Egypt contracted for 9.25 million doses and received 400,000 (350,000 from the Chinese vaccine and 50,000 from AstraZeneca), which is equivalent to one 0.8%. Purchased from AstraZeneca 8.6 million already Sinopharm 650 thousand.

Spain concluded agreements for at least 136.8 million vaccines and received 8.7 million, a 6.3%. A BioNtech / Pfizer he has reserved 52 million; Modern 33 million; AstraZeneca 31 million; Janssen /Johnson & johnson 20.8 million and amounts of contracts with Novavax, Curevac and Sanofi / Pasteur.

United States bought 700 million doses and received 135 million, or nearly 20%. He bought: 300 million BioNtech / Pfizer; 300 million to Modern; and 100 million to Janssen /Johnson & Johnson.

France contracted for 226 million doses and received 5.6 million from Pfizer, 550,000 from Moderna and 1.6 million from AstraZeneca, a 3.4%. Vaccinations agreed with: BioNtech / Pfizer for 49 million; Modern for 24 million; AstraZeneca for 44 million; Johnson & Johnson / Janssen for 30 million; Curevac for 34 million; Yes Sanofi for 45 million (these last two formulas have not yet been approved by the European Union).

India, one of the world’s largest vaccine manufacturers, has purchased 176 million doses and already owns 77 million, which equates to a 43%. Purchased 166 million doses Covishield and 10 million Covaxin.

Japan bought 564 million and received 1.3 million, barely 0.23%. The small number of vaccines he received were delivered by BioNtech / Pfizer, to which he had subscribed 144 million vaccines. To this shipment are added the 120 million doses he bought AstraZeneca; 50 million to Modern and 250 million to Novavax.

Mexico reserved 254.3 million doses and received 7.1 million, a 2.7%. Purchased 77 million AstraZeneca; 34.4 million to BioNtech / Pfizer; 35 million to Cansino; 20 million to Sinovac; 12 million to Sinopharm; 24 million Sputnik V and 51.5 million from the fund Covax.

Norway contracted 9.4 million vaccines and at 632 thousand, one 6.3%. Closed contracts with BioNtech / Pfizer, Modern, AstraZeneca Yes Johnson & Johnson / Janssen

New Zealand bought 10 million Pfizer and received 200 thousand doses, which is equivalent to 2%.

Paraguay reserved 5.2 million doses and received 4,000 Russian vaccines and 20,000 donated by Chile, for a total of 0.4%. Bought 996 thousand Sputnik V and 4.3 million from the fund Covax.

United Kingdom did business for 421 million doses, received 26.5 million, which equates to just over 6%. Bought 100 million with AstraZeneca; 4 million with BioNtech / Pfizer; 17 million with Modern; 60 million with Novavax; 30 million with Johnson & Johnson / Janssen; 60 million with Sanofi; 100 million with Valneva and 50 million with Curevac.

South Africa did business for 4.3 million and received 130,000 doses of Johnson & Johnson / Janssen, a 3% of what has been agreed.

Sweden agreed to buy 25.5 million vaccines and 1.6 million arrived, a 6.2%. His biggest contract is with BioNtech / Pfizer for 9.8 million doses.

turkey bought a total of 130 million vaccines and received 13 million, 10%. The contracts are with: Sinovac for 100 million and BioNtech / Pfizer for 30 million.

Uruguay signed agreements for 5.25 million doses and received 1.6 million, which is equivalent to a 30%. Hired 1.75 million Sinovac; 2 millions BioNtech / Pfizer, and 1.5 million from the fund Covax.

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