How much is it negotiating this Wednesday July 28


The parallel cut a bullish streak of eight straight increases on Monday, given an increased need for pesos at the end of the month, traders said.

It also seems that in the market there is Greater dissent after the government gave signs that it would use the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) support that the IMF will grant next August to pay off debt maturities with the organization for some 3,600 million of dollars between next September and December.

Alberto Fernández’s administration now has more than seven months to complete the deal with the Fund, ahead of the bulky deadlines that begin in March 2022.

From the middle of the month (Wednesday 7/14) until last Friday, the price of the blue dollar has been steadily rising and accumulating during this period. an ascent of $ 9 from $ 176, to $ 185.

Thus, so far in July, the parallel has recorded an advance of $ 15, its largest monthly increase since last October.

Recall that the blue dollar has just marked three consecutive monthly increases: it increased by $ 9 (6.4%) in April, $ 7 (4.7%) in May and $ 11 (7%) in June.

In contrast, in the first quarter of the year, it had recorded monthly losses in January, February and March, reaching a $ 139 minimum at the beginning of April. So far this year, the price is up $ 17.

The nominal all-time high for the parallel dollar dates from October 2020, when the price climbed to $ 195.

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