How much money do you need to study at Harvard and what other requirements do you need to meet?


Photo: Adam Glanzman / Bloomberg
Photo: Adam Glanzman / Bloomberg

Although the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador consider that the Harvard UniversityIn the United States, it is an institution for those who have a “classist” mentality and want to “learn to fly”. The truth is that many Mexican men and women they dream of studying there, even if he’s a graduate.

It is not for nothing that this study center with more than 385 years of history, located in the state of Massachusetts, has the most great international prestige; the proof is that it remains between the the five best universities of the planet, according to the 2022 ranking of the Quacquarelli Symonds portal (QS).

Harvard got 98 out of 100 points in the assessment on six parameters: academic reputation, faculty / student ratio, quotes from professors, employer reputation, international faculty ratio and international student ratio.

(Photo: Reuters)
(Photo: Reuters)

Figures such as former US presidents have passed through their classrooms: Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama; the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg; the CEO of Microsoft, Bill Gates; the former editor of the New York Times, Jill abramson; or the Oscar winner, Natalie Portman, to only cite a few.

But just as it is one of the most prestigious universities, it is well known that it it is one of the most difficult to access. Year after year, nearly 30,000 applicants apply for admission, of which only cMore than 2000 are accepted.

And is that the elective member is extremely demanding in its selection process But what are the conditions for applying for a bachelor’s degree?

Photo: Instagram / @ harvard
Photo: Instagram / @ harvard

Academically, Harvard takes into account multiple factors such as diplomas of excellence, a report of extra-curricular activities, nail letter of recommendation of a mentor, mastery of English language (written and spoken), as well as personal skills such as leadership. If you have such requirements, the to treat that you need to follow is the following:

1. Fill out an application form, for which you will need to pay 75 USD; some 1,503 pesos.

2. Submit an essay, in which you must describe your skills, ambitions and interest in college; of course, with a perfect wording and using the best words.

3. Approve the SAT, a entrance exam duration of 03:45 hours, in which your knowledge in the fields of Mathematics, critical reading and writing.

4. The next step is interview. In this case, you should be prepared to discuss any topic of social interest and not just academic. Also, you must indicate self-confidence.

Photo: Instagram / @ harvard
Photo: Instagram / @ harvard

Now the main obstacle that many outstanding Mexican students meet to study at Harvard are the rates. Here is the breakdown of expenses for one year academic, according to the section of financial aid of the Institute:

1) Registration: 51,904 USD

2) Rent, utilities and food: $ 21,686

3) Health insurance: $ 5,128

4) Books and supplies: 866 USD

5) Personal expenses: 4,170 USD

6) Technology expenditure: 1,500 USD

7) Federal loan fees: 214 USD

TOTAL: USD 85,470 / 1,713,180 pesos, according to the current exchange rate.

* Future tuition fees, fees, and standard student budget amounts may vary from year to year.

(Photo: file)
(Photo: file)

However, this number is not a reason to become depressed. This university is interested in the best students, regardless of their financial situation.

The exceptional students may be candidates for a scholarship that would significantly reduce the total cost, or have a financial aid provided by Harvard.

“These scholarships are usually related to the admission application, the financial aid application, or both, but generally do not require an additional application process,” they explain on their page.

(Photo: Reuters)
(Photo: Reuters)

According to the university, nearly 60% of his students receive scholarships according to your needs with an average cost of approximately 12,000 USD per year and the 20% student staff they don’t pay anything.

Important: For this 2021 due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19 which continues to plague the country, the university has reported that face-to-face classes will continue to be suspended and that all students should take the online courses whether or not they live on campus, but course prices do not vary.

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