How much the income of Argentineans in Chile has decreased with each crossing of the border


In January 2019, a total of 278,727 Argentines joined Chileagainst 532.043 that they did it in January 2018. In fact, last January, the number of visitors to Argentina was lower than that of March 2018 (284,310). Comparing January 2019 to January 2018, the difference is -47.4%. In other words, with the devaluation of 2018, Argentine tourists to Chile have been reduced by almost half.


With respect to border crossings, last January Cristo Redentor-Libertadores recorded 102,057 Argentine incomes (against 189,096 in January 2018)) and by adding all the nationalities, in January 2018, by this step, they entered the neighboring country 206,460 individuals, against 117,523 January 2019. That is to say the fall of Argentine visitors affected a decrease in 43.1% of total income of people in Chile by Cristo Redentor – Libertadores.


For Puehenche, the Argentineans who went to Chile in January amounted to 3,586 against 9,912 in January 2018.that is to say, it decreased considerably, to the point that the total number of individuals of all nationalities traveling to Chile by the stage located in Malargüe, comparing January 2019 and January 2018, was reduced 60.8%. income in Chile for Agua Negra, no data for January 2019.

Arrival of Argentine tourists in Chile:

Border crossing January 19th January 18
Cardinal Antonio Samoré 26,493 57,231
Carrie 398 611
Coyhaique 1,156 2,370
Dorotea 3,265 14541
Futaleufu 6.031 8,784
Cajon Milestone 139 170
Hua Hum 3.215 3,329
Huemules 1,488 2,570
Icalma 5.147 8.108
Southern Integration (Aymond Mountain) 14.071 20.191
Jama 8385 22.987
Juntas del Toro 11,810 22,648
Las Pampas – Lago Verde 36 72
Laurita Casas Viejas 2,884 3,739
Pampa Alta 76 329
Pehuenche 3,586 9,912
Perez Rosales (Peulla) 439 317
Pichachén 567 1,034
Hachado pine 13,553 24,762
Pircas Negras 135 634
Portillo of Piuquenes 176 208
Puesco (Mamuil Malal) 14,779 23906
Bellavista River 271 350
Don Guillermo River 2,229 2,089
Rio Encuentro 1193 1608
Rio Jeinimeni 11,474 13,026
Mayer River 7 2
Roballos 218 204
San Francisco 1626 3,964
San Sebastian 2,536 3,587
Sico 448 1,131
Cristo Redentor System (Los Libertadores) 102,057 189,096
Triana 24 496

More on this topic

Some data for February

Prepared by Sernatur on the basis of information provided by regional tourist offices, the occupancy rate in tourist accommodation establishments is an indicator that measures the occupancy of rooms (in%) in residential establishments

In this case, the following data do not correspond to the Argentineans, but to the total number of visitors (local and from different nations) in Chilean tourist destinations between February 11 and 16 of this year.

In all tourist establishments in the neighboring country during this period, the employment rate decreased by 4.6%.

In Santiago, it was -4.6% and -7.9% in Valparaíso, Viña del Mar and Concón; -6.7% in La Serena and Coquimbo, -1.4% in Iquique, -2.2% in Puerto Mont and 1.6% in Punta Arenas and Estrecho de Magallanes.


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