How the "new trick" proposed by science to reduce stress


Every day we are confronted with situations that produce us stress. Sometimes we can manage this successfully, while others can be overwhelmed by the context. The strategies to adopt are many and among them, you have to meditate, do exercise and even go to the beach.

A group of researchers from the University of Arizona (USA) has come up with another method that will serve us especially if we do not have the time to opt for the solutions preceding. According to the article published in the scientific journal psychophysiology, Thinking about our partner will help us reduce our stress level.

To reach this conclusion, they recruited 102 people hired. The participants were divided into three groups: the first could be accompanied silently by their partner before performing the experiment; they were asked to visualize their partner as a form of support, but they were alone; and the last ones thought about what they did during the day.

After that, the test happened: they had to dive one foot in 7 centimeters of frozen water for four minutes. The scientists pointed out that the experiment was totally safe, although slightly uncomfortable for those who did not tolerate the cold. Throughout the study They controlled the blood pressure, the heart rate and its variability.

What did you observe? That those who were with their peers before the test and those who thought about it had a lower level of stress than the third group. "The research suggests that, In moments of anxiety, viewing a couple's face can be an effective psychological resource. in terms of blood pressure, "said Kyle Bourbada, one of the article's authors, during a dialogue with foreign media.

In addition, the expert pointed out that previous work had already observed the positive psychological impact of this technique, although here, its benefits extend to the physical aspects. In all cases, it is important to note that there was no difference between groups in terms of heart rate and variability.

If you are single and believe that this does not apply to you, Bourbada said something that will rebadure you: these effects could be achieved by imagining the face of virtually all the people for whom you feel the affection. So, if you suddenly notice that you are stressed, try this method and visualize who you want to calm down.


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