How the triumph of the left was experienced in Argentina …


The triple electoral defeat received by the coalition he leads Sebastian piñera During the elections in Chile, it generated a series of repercussions on Argentina’s political leaders, both the ruling party and the opposition. For diplomatic reasons, the national government avoided demonstrations so as not to interfere in the internal life of the neighboring country.

After having known the meager result of the official alliance “Vamos Chile” and the opening of the process which will conceive a new Magna Carta, the president of the Committee of External Relations of the Senate, Jorge Taiana, declared that the transandine country “advances towards the conquest of new rights and a more popular participationReferring to the constituent elections, he noted that “it has been proven that Chilean society wants to leave behind the vestiges of the Pinochet dictatorship and look to the future with equality and democracy”.

In the same spirit, the deputy Fernanda Vallejos celebrated the message sent to the polls and underlined one of the big surprises of the day: the triumph of Irací Hassler, candidate of the Communist Party, for mayor of Santiago de Chile. “I would like to congratulate my comrade wholeheartedly Irací Hassler on his magnificent victory, which I have no doubt is the victory of the people. As a woman, as a political activist and as an economist, proud of this historic result which fills us with hope for the future», Asserted the legislator.

“It’s not 30 pesos, it’s 30 years”, posted Left Front deputy Nicolás Del Caño on social networks, recalling the slogan that condensed the social protests that originated from the increase in the metro fare. and made visible the exhaustion that has dragged out Chilean society for a decade. “Popular rebellion of 2019 hit Piñera and the heir to the Pinochet dictatorship hard. The elections are a confirmation, ”added Del Caño.

On the sidewalk across the street, the only Juntos por el Cambio leader who spoke about the elections was Congressman Fernando Iglesias. Unhappy with the result, he said on Twitter: “Welcome, Chile, to the third worldThus, the leader showed his unease at the brutal setback suffered by Sebastián Piñera, the main regional ally of Mauricio Macri and with whom he advanced in bilateral agreements under the administration of Cambiemos.

At Casa Rosada, for their part, they were attentive to the elections while avoiding taking stock of them. The Foreign Ministry welcomed “the democratic exercise of our Chilean brother”, but clarified that the ministry “is not responsible for deciding on the result”.

Beyond the diplomatic line, during his state visit in January this year, Alberto Fernández showed his enthusiasm for the transformation process that the country is going through. The President considered, at that time, that “to have the possibility of making a Constitution from nothing is to create a new state of affairs. It is about setting absolutely new rules, even when institutions or rights that already exist are respected ”, and he anticipated that by abandoning the Magna Carta imposed by the dictator Augusto Pinochet“ there will be another Chile ” .

The Argentinian president also took advantage of this trip to hold meetings with leaders of the Chilean opposition that he summoned, as and when, to take the example of the unity of the Front de Todos. Before returning to the national territory, the president called to “build a new world with our rules and where, if the continent is clearly united, we could have more strength, to follow the proposals on how we want the world either ”.

The founder of the Puebla group and former presidential candidate of Chile, Marco Enríquez-Ominami, endorsed Fernández’s remarks and assured that he played an important role in regional integration. He also concluded that the elections “expressed an undeniable desire for change” and “a huge rejection of right-wing ideas”.


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