How to charge the mobile phone in the middle of the power outage


The blackout of mbadive electricity surprised more than one with little battery in the cell. From 7 of this Sunday, much of Argentina has gone without light and the government has told them that service would come back in the next few hours. In this context, those who have not been able to charge their phone fear to be in secret.

However, there is a fairly simple way to handle this situation without dying in the attempt. The only materials you will need are the USB adapter for the cigarette lighter, the cord of your mobile phone, a 9-volt battery, a metal clamp and a spring.

With all these basic elements, you will be able to charge your phone as if nothing has happened. Although this may seem complicated, this technique will allow you to move electrically charged particles with the help of a transmission medium, which in this case will be the clip. Thanks to this small electric field made by hand, the lack of light will no longer be a problem.

Step by step

The first step is open the metal clip and wrap it in the negative pole of the pile. As the video shows, one part should be in place and the other outside.

A homemade method to charge the cell without light. Credit: Capture Video Top World
A homemade method to charge the cell without light. Credit: Capture Video Top World

Second, you have to locate the car adapter on the positive pole. To generate the famous electric field, a part of the clip must touch this accessory. Once you've contacted them, you simply plug the USB plug with your cellphone and that's it.

All batteries contain electrolytes and other chemicals that react on each other, causing frenetic electron movement and energy production. A conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy is then generated.

The blackout that surprised Argentina

This Sunday, after 7 am, Argentina is darkened. Surprisingly, the national electricity supply failed. After several hours of uncertainty, the government said the reduction had taken place for a problem with the Yacyretá transport system. In a press release, they said that the cut was made automatically and not by human intervention.

The failure is not only prolonged in our country, but also affected Uruguay. According to the National Administration of Power Plants and Transmissions (UTE) of this country, the damage affected the entire territory. In Montevideo, there were at least 255,000 unserved users.


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