How to eat to age better – 16/03/2019


The gossips say that the secret of the longevity of Queen Elizabeth II of England, 92, lies in the four badtails that the monarch supposedly takes every day. However, this widespread rumor, refuted among other things by Darren McGrady, official chef of the Buckingham Palace for eleven years, is nothing more than another myth in the long list of food and drink He confers the miraculous power of prolong life. Experts never tire of warning that there is no magic bullet. In fact, the trick to live more and better is even easier. Just follow a specific diet: the Mediterranean.

According to the World Health Organization, the Mediterranean diet, badociated with the Nordic diet, It is one of the most beneficial for health. But because of difficulties, new consumption habits and work obligations, few people respect the food plan to the letter.

Mediterranean diet, good for the brain and heart.

Mediterranean diet, good for the brain and heart.

According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, it is essential to respect each step because this mode of feeding This can help us delay aging.

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"The Mediterranean plan is more than just a food pattern, is a set of skills, knowledge, practices and traditions that go from the landscape to the table ", says Isabel Bartumeu, dietitian-nutritionist of the Mediterranean Diet Foundation, so much so that in 2010, the UNESCO has declared intangible heritage of humanity.This lifestyle, which according to Bertomeu, was what our grandparents and great-grandparents wore, "was the one that placed the countries of the Mediterranean basin on the planet. 39, axis of longevity. "At this point, it is legitimate to ask where exactly the faculty of prolonging life comes from.

Sesame or sesame. Photo: Istock

Sesame or sesame. Photo: Istock

In the words of Dr. Ramon Estruch, senior consultant in the Internal Medicine Department of the Clinical Hospital of Barcelona, "The key lies in all the foods that make up the Mediterranean diet and that they contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients. "As he explains, these two properties are those that" prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular or neurodegenerative problems. " As a result, aging is more bearable and, he says, "life goes on".

Pasta with chickpeas Photo: Istock

Pasta with chickpeas Photo: Istock

Despite its many advantages, fashion and socio-economic fluctuations have led to the gradual abandonment of the dietary habits of the generations immediately preceding ours. The consequences are visible. "Obesity is the big epidemic of the 21st century and cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death"Bertomeu recalls. However, eating a Mediterranean diet is far from difficult. Here are some suggestions for you to reorient your way of eating towards a healthier lifestyle.

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Chickpea and its nutrients. Photo: Istock

Chickpea and its nutrients. Photo: Istock

The catalog of recommendations is chaired by olive oil, which should be the main, but the only, fat. "If it's extra virgin, it's better," Estruch says. Prized in the Mediterranean gastronomic customs, this food rich in monounsaturated fatty acids has cardioprotective properties.

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Fish is another essential food of the Mediterranean diet. Photo: Istock

Fish is another essential food of the Mediterranean diet. Photo: Istock

In the second stage of what does not cease to be a pyramid, we find foods of plant origin. Fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts must be a fundamental pillar of everyday life. Dr. Estruch stresses that in general, it is always preferable for this type of product to be close and, in particular, that the nuts do not contain salt and are not roasted.

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Bread and cereal-based foods, such as pasta, rice or cereals, They also play an important role in daily habits because they are a powerful source of energy. All this without forgetting dairy products, especially yogurt and fresh cheese; essential for the diet to be perfectly balanced.

The benefits of olive oil increase when it is consumed as part of a Mediterranean diet.

The benefits of olive oil increase when it is consumed as part of a Mediterranean diet.

Although there are different opinions about what quantities should be taken, the egg could not be missed in the pattern of the Mediterranean lifestyle.

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In the same way, foods of animal origin can not be excluded. Although the recommendations of the Mediterranean diet recommend high consumption of blue fish, it is recommended to moderate theRed meat meal one or two days a week. In this sense, experts argue that it is fundamental, but an excess could have opposite effects.

Fruits and vegetables, legumes, cereals, fish, olive oil and moderate consumption of wine are the basis of the Mediterranean diet.

Fruits and vegetables, legumes, cereals, fish, olive oil and moderate consumption of wine are the basis of the Mediterranean diet.

Wine is found at a moderate frequency. "It's a traditional drink, ingested during meals, that enhances the protective effect of the Mediterranean diet," says Dr. Estruch. Although the beer is trying to slip in the list, it has not yet achieved the antioxidant properties of wine (red).

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In terms of whether to ban a food, experts say that "You do not have to demonize anyone." But they add that, if possible, the consumption of processed products, industrial pastries or sugary drinks is reduced to a minimum. After all, it's delete what our ancestors did not have.

Source: The Vanguardia



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