Perhaps many travelers are already familiar with this technique to Travel all over the world and not paying for a hotel, like many others that exist. But in recent days it has gone viral from a video posted on TIC Tac. Meet the tower to get free hosting anywhere on the planet.
In most cases, the costliest thing when traveling is accommodation. However, those who lead a nomadic lifestyle or who like to travel a lot to different parts of the world and connect with the locals of each destination always find a way not to turn anything off to sleep and can even have free food and transport. .
Via your account TIC Tac, Kristina Cors shares travel tips with her entire community. On this occasion, she published a video telling how she did in her last trips stay without spending money. The post has gone viral and now everyone is talking about “house sitting” to travel the world.
It is an efficient way to perform trips Without having to pay the costs of occupying a house, owners offer a place in exchange for taking care of that house, in some cases also caring for pets, or cleaning and maintaining the house. order in each space.
These “agreements” between owners and travelers can last from a few days, a week and up to six months. In some cases, the caregiver may receive money for expenses during this period and payment at the end of the trip. Not bad is not it ?
One of the great advantages of home sitting is that many treatment places are located in heavenly places, with panoramic views and in destinations where it would otherwise be impossible to stay, because they are very expensive or because they are too expensive. found on private residential land.
The protagonist of the video of TIC Tac she says she took care of a house and 4 dogs that lived there. The residence was located just 2 minutes from the shores of San Diego so it was a wonderful experience.
How to find vacant houses safely?
It is important to consider safety first. When staying in private homes, we need to be calm and trust that this is a place where we will not be in any kind of danger.
For this reason, we recommend that you, when looking for how and where to stay for free in your next travel do it through the following websites:
- Trusted House Sitters: This is the site recommended in Kristina Cors’s video. Like many of these services, an annual subscription has to be paid, in this case it is worth US $ 119 per year and offers the ability to access some pretty exotic sites.
- House Carers: This is a web domain that has been running since 2000. Annual House Carers membership is $ 50 and also offers advice from other members for a better experience.
- Luxury House Sitting: is another site on the Internet where you can get a free stay and in return take care of homes or pets. To access Owner Communication, you must cancel a $ 25 annual subscription.
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