How to make YouTube work 5 times faster in Firefox and Edge


This week Mozilla manager Chris Peterson published on account of Twitter one of problems pbading several users at the opening of the platform of YouTube in navigators other than Chrome.

] Almost a year ago Google released a new design for YouTube however, it was noticed that the platform loads more slowly in browsers like Safari, Edge ] or Firefox compared to Chrome.

Loading of the YouTube page is 5 times slower in Firefox and Edge than in Chrome, because the redesign of Polymer on YouTube is based on the deprecated Shadow DOM v0 API implemented only in Chrome. You can restore the faster pre-Polymer design of YouTube with this Firefox extension:

– Chris Peterson (@cpeterso) July 24, 2018

Peterson declares that "The overhaul of Polymers of YouTube is based on DOM version DOM v0 deprecated which was only implemented in Chrome ". Which makes the rest of the browsers five times slower.

The above does not mean that YouTube no longer works in the other browsers but that we just have to wait longer

The company could put in day YouTube to use Polymer 2.0 or even 3.0, which are compatible with the API obsolete, but the company decided to continue using Polymer 1.0 , which was launched in 2015.

Google was responsible for the design and tuning of its web services so that they only work with the browser. the company, Google Meet Google Earth and YouTube TV are blocked if you occupy a browser Firefox according to the Web site The Verge which says also that " Chrome slowly becomes on the next Internet Explorer 6 ."

But do not worry, that in your tweet, Chris Peterson I post the solution to the problem, because it "can be restored the fastest base design of YouTube " with an extension of Firefox .

Users of Firefox can download a clbadic version of YouTube which may mean losing the updated and stylized design.

For its part, the users of Safari and Edge will have to use a custom user script of Tampermonkey to obtain the clbadical design

Here are the steps to follow accelerate YouTube in your browser:

Edge Users:

Download ] Tampermonkey for Edge in Microsoft Shop

Enable Tampermonkey in the configuration of extensions in Edge .

Download this user script to force YouTube in clbadic mode.

Safari users:

Download Tampermonkey for Safari .

Safari will ask you to trust or cancel the installation to activate Tampermonkey.

Download this script since user to force YouTube in clbadic mode .

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