How to notify a scam via WhatsApp – Viva la radio


Inspector Commissioner Diego Martinelli, head of the economic crimes directorate of the Cordoba police, warned against a new type of fraud by WhatsApp.

“In recent weeks we have received complaints from victims who received a message from a friend or relative who had changed their phone number and offered them dollars to buy or told them they had a problem and needed the money, ”Martinelli said. Channel 3.

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And he added, “The person, being an acquaintance, returned the money. It’s a relatively new maneuver and there are between 20 and 30 complaints last month ”.

“They offer a small amount of money, around 500, sending a photo to make it believable. And the crook turns between 20 and 25 thousand pesos “, He described.

There are two maneuvers: “Receive a malicious e-mail in the mailbox in which, by means of a virus, it catches the synchronized data in the account and steals the data from us with deeds, so that they send to acquaintances a message saying that they have changed the number ”.

“The other way is the duplication of WhatsApp, for this, the scammer sends us a verification code on our phone and, under the pretext that we have already had a contact through a social network, asks us to send the verification code, installs it and our contacts surrender on the crook’s phone, ”He explained.

Martinelli underlined: “We can understand why a verification code is going to arrive on our phone and we know that we don’t have to send our personal data to anyone, we also realize because the WhatsApp it no longer works, because being duplicated, it works on a single phone ”.

From the police, it is recommended not to send verification codes or bank codes, and in case of a victim of a computer crime, to make a report.

Finally, the commissioner underlined that after being a victim of the scam, the application of the WhatsApp and reinstall it, which takes about 8-12 hours; then we will receive a new verification code by sms and thus we cancel the WhatsApp from the crook’s phone.

Alejandro Bustos report.


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