How to prevent atopic dermatitis in babies and children? |


Babies and young children are most affected by atopic dermatitis, a benign skin condition that causes dryness and inflammation with severe itching. According to the Argentine Dermatology Society, it is the second most diagnosed skin disease.

90% of patients present with the onset of atopic dermatitis before the age of 5 years and 80% even before the age of 2, according to Doc Salud.

The main symptoms are dry skin, changes in pH and susceptibility to infection. Other signs are exaggerated immune responses that can be observed to the airways (asthma) and ocular (conjunctivitis and eczema of the eyelids), usually triggered by drugs, foods, contact substances, environmental substances or substances. insect bites

. caused by multiple interacting factors: genetic, immunological, infectious, environmental, social or psycho-emotional, in people with alterations of the skin barrier and immunity.

How to prevent and prevent children: [19659002] • Avoid very hot and dry environments

• Avoid the use of wool and synthetic fibers in direct contact with the skin, as well as excessive coatings.

• Avoid Skin Contact with Metal Clasps, Labels

• Avoid Fragrances

• Avoid Inhaling Pollen and Dust from the Environment

• Perform short baths (not more than 5 minutes) and with warm water

• Use neutral pH soap substitutes

• Avoid rubbing the towel against the skin

• Moisturize skin with adequate creams.

• Avoid local irritants such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, spicy cheese and grated when there is dermatitis on the face.

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