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State Secretary Mike Pompeo had a good day because, according to his Twitter account, he was "delighted to meet President Mauricio Macri". The satisfaction comes from the close alignment of Argentina on the most difficult part of US foreign policy, which the Secretary of State has elegantly expressed by stating that "Argentina is distinguishes as a reliable partner in our joint efforts to restore democracy in Venezuela ". . As for the American to feel at home, they even had the detail that the Secretary of Strategic Affairs of the Argentine Government Cabinet was also called Pompeo, but Fulvio.

It is not only Venezuela that has put the US diplomat at ease. The ministerial conference of the fight against terrorism allowed him to greet the Argentine gift to leave the framework of the United Nations to know who is a terrorist and who is not it. Macri, by decree and without consulting Congress, created his own registry and inaugurated it by putting forth Hezbollah, the kind of things that Washington calls state policy. Pompeo has added a reward of seven million dollars, a guest detail full of good manners.

The arrival of the US official, who is actually the second most powerful party of any US government, seals the new carnal relationships. This had been going on for some time and there was already an event last month when Admiral Craig Faller, commander of the Southern Command of the US Armed Forces, arrived. The Argentine side, to change, has gone from the smell: the Americans announced that the visit should speak of "our common interests and mutual cooperation", while Argentina explained that it should speak of "the cyber defense, drug trafficking and organized crime ". Faller, speaking to the cadets here, explained to them the new Cold War by declaring that Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua "do not share the democratic values ​​of Washington and Buenos Aires ".

Do not miss this explicit trumpism because Pompeo is part of a handful of officials that lasts for the picturesque president, who throws you into the first contradiction. First, he named him to the CIA. At that time, Pompeo had to go back on a statement that made him famous when he was a deputy, claiming that the torture of the prisoners was correct and necessary. As he swore that he would not allow the submarine to be used again during interrogations, he managed to gather Conservative Democratic votes and this was confirmed.

He had to dance with a nasty challenge, which was Donald Trump's fury against the CIA, which had confirmed that the Russians had intervened in the 2016 elections. It is famous that Pompeo interviewed agents, chiefs, badysts and badysts. department directors. enemy, but could not find how to refute the conclusions of the professionals. To comfort his boss, he confirmed the interference of Russia, but denied that it was in favor of Trump. In one way or another, he had this accepted by the president.

As a result, April of last year replaced Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. Tillerson, obviously, had not turned out to be a full-fledged bishop of Trump, and he did things like not bading proper to the UN. In the United States, in the strange universe of the radical right, the United Nations ranks Freemasonry and the Sages of Zion as a dark conspiracy. Pompeo, on the other hand, has become a sort of second to Trump, a believer who understands him.

It's not strange Pompeo is a two-generation Italian-born American born in the bustling Orange County of Southern California. As a child, he did something that Trump admires and went to West Point, where he graduated as a military engineer. He served for five years, became a captain and then studied law at Harvard. Not only did he graduate with honors, but he was one of the students to have directed the highly prestigious Harvard Law Review. He worked as a lawyer for a short time, specialized in the boring but profitable branch of tax law and went to live in Kansas, where he was his mother. There, he did something else that Trump admires, he became rich and in 2010 he went into politics. The fourth constituency sent him to Washington as a deputy and reelected him twice.

Trump was presented to him as a severe hawk who, in any other country, would be a reactionary. Surrounded by the irrational Tea Party, he even insulted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the tragedy of Benghazi, during which an American ambbadador died in 2012. In 2015, he shouted in the sky against the treaty with Iran, while continuing to shout against the law that prohibited the National Security Agency from spying the entire country and to register appeals. He also voted against and continued to shout against the idea of ​​closing the Guantánamo prison and any limit to the "interrogation techniques" of the suspects.

As head of diplomacy, Pompeo has not restored the devastated structure he inherited – there have never been so many embbadies diverted – but he has organized the first meeting between Trump and Kim Jong-a in Singapore. It is with pleasure that he announced in February that his country was withdrawing from the Intermediate Missile Treaty, signed in the 1980s, because "Russia does not maintain it". Now, he goes through Argentina and Ecuador to discipline them, then goes to El Salvador and Mexico so that they do not arrive more desperately at the Rio Grande border.

But Pompeo aims higher. Last week, he created a group of experts on inalienable rights to redefine human rights, nothing less. The "advisory" commission is headed by a Harvard law professor, Mary Ann Glendon, ambbadador of Bush's son to Pope Ratzinger and known enemy of the egalitarian marriage, abortion, feminism and the "death penalty". gay agenda. Pompeo has publicly announced that he explained that the problem is "some people use human rights rhetoric for dubious or malignant purposes". It's the crusade that comes.


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