How to save a baby with CPR as did the police in the viral video of Brazil


The pictures are too dramatic. A mother enters the headquarters of the Military Police of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, Panicked with his faded baby in his arms. Without knowing how to react, the troops at that time asked for help. The agents calmed the mother and immediately applied several techniques of resuscitation, among whom stood out CPR for infants.

The video that viralisé Quickly, not only for Brazil, but for neighboring countries like Argentina, remember that it is important to know not only first aid, but also these ways to gain valuable minutes before medical care.

Ideally, of course, attend one of the many free clbades or talks offered by public hospitals, foundations and Red Cross Argentina they provide periodically. In its absence, the information provided below by the leading experts in cardiopulmonary resuscitation of Argentina and the rest of the world, maybe I can help save a life.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in infants less than one year old


Shake gently the boy.

– If you do not answer, scream asking help and start CPR immediately. If there is another person, ask him to call the medical service.

Kneeling next to the victim.

– Open the airways by lifting the chin. Extend the head and lift the chin with your fingers.

– Bring your hear to the mouth and nose of the infant.

– If the child does not do it breathe Normally, begin chest compressions.

Circulation: chest compressions

– Compress the thorax with 2 fingers, under an imaginary line between the two bad. Apply 30 compressions at a frequency of at least 100 per minute.

– You must let the chest return to its position between compressions, without removing the fingers from the chest. The depth of the cuts is one-third to one-half the diameter of the thorax (at least 4 cm.)

Interruptions between chest compressions should be minimized. If help is available, the resuscitators should rotate in turn. 2 minutes.


– after the 30 initial compressionsgive two short breaths covering the mouth and nose of the infant. Make sure the thorax expands when you blow in the air.

– Continue this way until you complete 5 cycles of 30 compressions for 2 ventilations. (If you have 2 resuscitation, the ratio is 15: 2)

– If the child coughs or moves, stop the maneuvers and turn it over on one side, in the recovery position, in case it vomits. Maintain ongoing monitoring until the arrival of help.

– If he does not answer, Carry on with maneuvers until the arrival of rescue personnel.


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