How to visit Chernobyl safely


The latest miniseries of HBO, Chernobyl, a real success that is positioned as the highest-rated series on the IMDb website, revived interest in this Ukrainian city which was the center of the worst nuclear disaster in history. Beyond fiction, the city is still standing and can be visited without any risk.

Since 10 years, the agency CHERNOBYLwel.come is specialized in the offer of different visits to Chernobyl and the region to publicize the consequences of the nuclear accident. From 119 euros, you can choose one or two tours of the city, the last one being the most requested.

Remains of a tragic past

Tourists have the opportunity to explore the streets of the ghost town of Prípiat, where 50,000 people lived before the accident. During the tour, you can see abandoned buildings, including the hospital where the first victims were treated, a school always full of books, a kindergarten guarding the toys, a police station and a famous amusement park with a Ferris wheel. In addition, it is also included a visit to DUGA, the largest and secret military radar of the Soviet Union, which is still standing.

All these sites are full of stories, legends and even conspiracy theories that are explained in detail by tour guides. But to live a 100% rewarding experience, the most interesting thing is meet one of the Chernobyl babushka, former residents who returned to live in the area of ​​alienation after the evacuation.

0606 visit Chernobyl

Finally, the visit to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is the dessert strawberry. During three hours tourists can safely explore the parts of the plant still in business: the control room, the hydraulic pump system (Reactor 3), the underground control center, the security control room, the new isolation sarcophagus (at a safe distance) and the control center. ;Home. same you can see and touch the famous button AZ-5, unfortunately pressed too late by the operators of Reactor 4.


Visiting the region that has been the scene of the greatest nuclear disaster in history can raise doubts and fears for more than one reason, but the proposed tours are made by the safest routes, avoiding the places most contaminated by radiation.

0606 visit Chernobyl

During the tour, the body receives a radiation dose 300 times lower than the dose received when the whole body is scanned by X-rays. One day of visit, the tourist is exposed to 3-4 microsieverts of gamma rays, a safe dose for the body.

Even like that, each person traveling through CHERNOBYLwel.come receives a free fabric mask and a Geiger Muller counter, so that tourists can check at any time the level of radiation to which they are exposed. In addition, throughout the visits, visitors go through several dosimetric checks.

Nuclear catastrophe


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