How was the international investigation that stopped the pedophile pediatrician?


The arrest of pediatrician Garrahan Hospital in Buenos Aires for possession and distribution of child badgraphy was made possible by an international notification from the United States, who investigated a large pedophile network using platforms deep web distribute the material in several countries.

The case originated in an international operation called "Luz de Infancia III" conducted by the United States Internal Security Authorities (FBI) and the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Brazilian Prosecution.

This investigation had consequences for the fact that in Argentina there was a reason why the specialized prosecutor's office "carried out searches throughout the country, including seven in the city of Buenos Aires," the secretary told the Justice and Security of Buenos Aires, Marcelo D Alessandro.

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The raids showed the existence of "several child bad content distribution facts made by users based in this country, via the P2P platform" EMule ", which operates in the so-called deep web avoid identifications.

"Thanks to the whistleblower channel available to the city's attorney general, a key complaint is received, there are raids where computers and USB sticks are seized where there is evidence, children abused", said D'Alessandro.

In addition, searches were conducted in the United States and Brazil, including the home of Ricardo Alberto Russo, head of the Immunology and Rheumatology Department of the Buenos Aires Medical Center.

"We managed to connect the person and he was kidnapped, and in this type of group we are talking about a network in which badgraphic content is distributed," he said adding: "his participation in this case is not in doubt ".

The evidence found by members of the municipal police concerns videos and photographs of children aged 6 months to 14 years. In many images, "stretchers were seen and the same doctor detained participated in the production of the material". , detailed D'Alessandro in statements cited by the agency Telam.



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