how was the labor reform that gave employment in Portugal


Abram proposed to develop a three-year plan to reduce the state and, at the same time, a modern labor reform allowing for the creation of productive jobs.

Economist Aldo Abram said Friday that Argentina would need a "modern labor reform" to recreate quality private jobs after several years of job cuts.

Abram said that this reform should accompany the adjustment plan of the state that had set up the government of Mauricio Macri and should continue during the next mandate, so that the public sector can maintain its own income without deficit.

The economist also acknowledged the measures taken by Portugal several years ago to come out of a crisis similar to that currently occurring in Argentina, but he specified that "it did not do it without sacrifices ".

Portugal, he said, has reached an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but much wider, thanks to the support of the European Central Bank and the European Union, under more difficult conditions than the current program of Argentina.

"Here, we speak as if Portugal had made no sacrifice to face a huge budget deficit and a huge public debt.The wages of public sector employees have fallen to 23% and a fifth of the last year. among them were fired, "said Abram.

Therefore, he said that what must be learned from the plan of Portugal, it is that it is better to set up a complete program, taking into account the adjustments made by this country and n & nbsp; Having not changed the labor legislation, the unemployment rate has therefore reached 17%. .

"Three years after being adapted to someone, it appeared to him to change the labor legislation and automatically trigger unemployment in Portugal.Even his legislation was already better than those of Argentina. ", said Abram.

The economist said that Portugal was experiencing a phenomenal recession when fiscal adjustment had been put in place to reduce external dependence and he pointed out that there was a huge unemployment, for n & # 39; have not made "all adjustments at the same time".

Abram proposed to develop a three-year forecast program to give the state a size that can be remunerated for its own resources and, at the same time, a reform of the modern workforce to create productive jobs.

These reforms, according to the economist, should be phased in so that public sector workers move into the private sector without necessarily being made redundant and short of income.

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