How was the plan to take the picture with the Newells shirt of Alberto Fernández


The political repercussions of Alberto Fernández's move to Rosario occupy one of the media, but the photos become viral on social networks are those of the moment when the candidate of the Frente de Todos shows a shirt Newell and another red and black colors. and the face of Juan Domingo Perón.

"It was very engaging and fun," said lawyer Pablo Cerra, president of Peña on October 17, who approached yesterday's former head of state. major of Nestor Kirchner to give him the jersey of the club Independence Park.

"I could not have explained the whole program," said Cerra laughing at the program. "Zysman 830"which is issued by The eight, in an effort to synthesize the plan that they designed to be able to spend a few minutes with Fernández and inform him of the origin of rock, which they define as "the first player peronist and footballer ".

"The image that is printed on the cap and on the rock shirt is Perón in 1944 at Newell Stadium"

"It's something very exciting, for us, two passions are coming together: Newell and Peronism, and we wanted to pass it on to the future president of the Argentineans," said Cerra, who thanked several times those who made the meeting possible.

2019-10-14 alberto newells1.jpg

Cerra, a lawyer at the Metallurgy Workers Union (UOM), revealed that "the planets were lined up" and added: "Not only did we give him the t-shirt, but we managed to get the classmates to come and to see Alberto, when he started his speech, he mentioned the boys who were behind, it was us and we are very happy for all that. "

>> Read more: Alberto Fernández posed with Newell's shirt and the networks exploded

Cerra preferred not to give details of how they managed to finalize the meeting. "It was not easy to enter, nor to join him, there are problems that I can not say because I have not exposed those who have helped us, that is to say was a lot of fun, we had a lot of nerves, "he said.

To integrate

In this sense, he emphasized Fernandez's "attitude" that "was very open, very good, because not only was he given the shirt and the shirt but also the reasons for the first Argentinian Peronist football club" .

About the second jersey that they gave to the justicialista candidate, he commented: "The image affixed to the cap and on the rock jersey comes from Perón in 1944 at the Newell stadium in a speech that he has The workers, who are very aware of this situation, are very serious footballers and have also noted in his speech. "

The Lepros fans that make up the October 17 Peña were yesterday at the Metropolitan Town Forum.

The Lepros fans that make up the October 17 Peña were yesterday at the Metropolitan Town Forum.

"It was a moment of great emotion and demand for the work of our colleagues," he said, adding that it could only be sport.

Football is one of Fernández's passions. At the closing ceremony of the Cities Forum, it all started with a football reference. "Back, there are Newell fans," he said. He then consulted the Mayor of Avellaneda, Jorge Ferraresi, to conclude: "Face off with us, Jorge, to see what is the football career."

>> Read more: Alberto Fernández limo asperities with Hugo and Pablo Moyano

"Here I have Jorge Ferraresi who is the only mayor (fan) of Argentinos Juniors and that's why I'm talking to him directly," added Fernández, from the stage, and, for not generating rispideces, he sent his "affection to the people of Newell & # 39; s and the residents of Central to Rosario also."


Argentinian fan, Fernández is a football fan. At the end of August, before going to Spain, he had dinner with Hugo and Pablo Moyano, Truckers' managers, who are also responsible for Independiente. On this occasion, he posed for the cameras with the red shirt Avellaneda.


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