How was the symbol Che Guevara re-signified 91 years after birth?


Ernesto "Che" Guevara He was born on June 14, 1928 in Rosario. He finished his medical career in University of Buenos Aires in 1953, after which he undertook his second trip to Latin America which would take him to Mexico where he would meet Fidel Castrowho would lead the Cuban Revolution completed in 1959 with its consequent international impact.

The size of his character has worsened over the years and intensified after his badbadination on October 9, 1967 in Bolivia, while commanding a group of guerrillas who tried to overthrow the dictatorship that reigned in that country.

The subsequent politico-cultural appropriation of Che Guevara opens the debate on the purity of the transcendence of his ideas and beliefs during his lifetime.

This phenomenon is synthesized on the photo captured by Alberto Korda in 1960, he became the symbol of all rebellion and was then resigned in many areas: sports, student, war, political and commercial.

The Marxist philosopher and researcher CONICET, Néstor Kohansays that "Che has become a universal symbol with which they sought to represent and defend ideas that Ernesto would not have supported."

"The legacy and relevance of Che, in terms of his aspirations and achievements, are almost non-existent."

Kohan He argues that there is a symbolic struggle for the appropriation of what Che represents on behalf of the "bourgeoisie" in three points:

1) He tries to disconnect from the Cuban revolution and the undeniable impulse he's given to the Continental Revolution.

2) It is intended to present him as an empiricist and a pragmatist, absolutely devoid of any connection with Marxist social and philosophical theory.

3) it becomes a myth and a detached image of your project and to which he venerates "independently of his ideas" or "in spite of these".

"Guevara has become the poster of a long – haired rocker and beret, of a romantic hero, of a mythological and utopian adventurer, of a Robin Hood, of a. 39, a Don Quixote, a lay Christ or a sympathetic idealist. "

"Che it stops being the inspirer of youthful fires to become a cold bronze statue that does not bother anyone", says Kohan.

Juan Martín Guevara, Ernesto's younger brother and editor-in-chief of a series of books that reveal Che's thought, says:

"The manipulation of Che's thought has to do with the difficulties of transferring this thought because Guevarist thought is very poorly known."

Juan Martín understands that "the myth of Che is reproduced by society. The image exists, just put content and take it as a reference of your ideals"

Juan Martín Guevara

However, his brother says that if his thinking is synthesized, it is based on the injustice and inequality that capitalism promotes and, therefore, Che remains a country of struggle and is considered an enemy by the ruling clbades.

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