HRW denounced that there are around 400 detainees / missing in Cuba


AP photographer Ramon Espinosa of Spain is attacked by police while covering a protest against Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Havana on July 11, 2021. - Thousands of Cubans participated on Sunday to rare demonstrations against the communist government, marching in a song of the city "Down with the dictatorship" and "We want freedom." (Photo by Adalberto ROQUE / AFP)
AP photographer Ramon Espinosa of Spain is attacked by police while covering a protest against Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Havana on July 11, 2021. – Thousands of Cubans participated on Sunday to rare demonstrations against the communist government, parading in a city chanting “Down with the dictatorship” and “We want freedom”. (Photo by Adalberto ROQUE / AFP)

Human Rights Watch (HRW) denounced that, five days after the social outbreak in Cuba, there is “About 400 people” arrested / missing on the island.

It is not known where many of them are. In many cases, the regime has detained well-known activists and journalists for the apparent purpose of prevent them from participating in or reporting on protests», He assured José Miguel Vivanco, executive director of the America division of this NGO.

In a series of posts on its Twitter account, Vivanco also pointed out that “several were arrested leaving their homes or walking in the streetAt the same time, he revealed that “so far we have documented the arrest of 7 journalists: Henry Constantín, Neife Rigau, Iris Mariño, Niober García (published), Rolando Rodriguez (published), Orelvis Cabrera, Camila Acosta (published)”.

Camila Acosta
Camila Acosta

Meanwhile, Vivanco explained that “in other cases, the security forces have arbitrarily detained ordinary people participating in the protests peacefully, as well as passers-by. They also went looking for protesters from their homes after allegedly recognizing them in photos or videos. “.

“We have received credible allegations of beatings of people both during detention and once they were already in detention,” said the executive, who also assured that “in the vast majority of arbitrary detentions that we have documented, detainees find themselves in secret. They are not allowed to call your family or their lawyers, nor receive visitors”.

Vivanco also stressed that “many people in Cuba still do not know the whereabouts of their detained relatives. Many mothers go from police station to police station asking for them ”.

Plainclothes police arrest a protester in Havana (Photo: AP)
Plainclothes police arrest a protester in Havana (Photo: AP)

“Many Cubans have overcome the fear, but others continue to fear the enormous risks of abuse or retaliation. We have spoken to people who are in hiding for fear of being arrested or who they don’t want to report arrests for fear of losing their job”Vivanco said.

In this sense, the representative of HRW in the Americas said that although “some people have been released in recent days”, the NGO has evidence that “In many cases, the police or intelligence agents impose a measure of house arrest or restriction of movement on them.”

“But they are never presented to a judge O tax nor do they give them the opportunity to oppose this measure. A policeman simply appears in front of their houses and tells them that they cannot go out. And they cut the internet“, He detailed.

Members of the security forces control Havana (Photo: Reuters)
Members of the security forces control Havana (Photo: Reuters)

Vivanco also assured that “in the meantime, many are investigation for alleged crimes of ‘lack of respect‘,’instigation to commit a crime‘O’public unrest‘: all figures spacious Yes offensive”.

“All this is happening in a country where the judiciary is subordinate to the executive, freedom of the press is prohibited, the defense of human rights is not recognized as a legitimate activity, the guarantees of a due process are constantly violated and the regime controls internet access“, to complain.

Finally, he concluded that “without international pressure concerted and intelligent which obliges Díaz-Canel to put an end to abuses and censorship, it is likely that we will never fully experience the repression that has taken place these days.

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The tool that allowed 1.4 million Cubans to access the internet amid the regime’s blackout

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