Huawei, a giant involved in the trade war


A woman walks past a Huawei store in Beijing Source: Reuters

The company was the direct target of Trump's latest decree



He added the anti-Huawei law to his arsenal against



Donald Trump

The President of the United States claimed the day before yesterday a presumed national emergency to the approval of a decree prohibiting the use of technology of "foreign opponents" when it involves "unacceptable risks" to the security of the country. country. There was no need to name countries or companies. For months, the presidential order had to stop the expansion of the Chinese multinational and the worsening of the trade war has overcome the reluctance of the National Economic Council. The regulation prevents US companies from selling technology to Huawei without special permission from the government.

This ban will not make the United States safer or more powerful, the Shenzhen-based technology company said in a statement. "This will only force it to use substandard and more expensive alternative equipment, without having to be left behind by other countries and, ultimately, harming American businesses and consumers," he added. Neither Beijing delayed its reaction. "We call on the United States to stop oppressing Chinese companies on the pretext of their concern for security and to create a fair and non-discriminatory environment for investment and operations," said spokesman Geng Shuang. from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its communiqué. daily press conference. Sanctions, he said, are "shameful and unfair".

Huawei has been caught in the commercial battle since the United States described it as a security risk and banned the purchase of its products from official agencies and suppliers. He also pressured foreign ministries immediately to respect their right of veto and threatened to exclude them from their exchange of information. Its success is more influenced by geopolitical harmonization than by intelligent technical badysis: New Zealand, Australia and Japan have separated Huawei from its 5G networks, while Germany has ignored Washington's guidelines . Countries that accumulate 40% of global GDP have already hired Chinese technology or do not seem prepared to give up the most advanced 5G network provider on the market. The Europeans Ericsson and Nokia, its main rivals, are several heads behind. The Chinese company has badured that the governments that would have chosen "will be the most competitive of the 5G era" and that their economies will have an advantage in the imminent digital leap. The heated political debate in Britain is a perfect illustration of the controversy. London has finally approved the concession to Huawei of all equipment that is not essential to national security.


Huawei has been Confucianly resistant to Washington's insidious wave and even to the detention of its executive director in Canada after US demand. This year, exhausted channels of dialogue have continued the US government's ban on its products in its agencies and suppliers. Huawei argues that this ruling violates at least three constitutional precepts, including one that prohibits pointing an individual or group and punishing without trial.

"We all know what the United States does, I will not qualify it because it would not be elegant, the countries will choose according to their interests, not those of the United States, it is a leader in many fields, but here he behaves like a loser. ", the rotating president, Guo Ping, responded to
THE NATION in the presentation of the results last month in Shenzhen.

Some governments and citizens keep their reserve to let Huawei control the traffic of their data. The close relations of Chinese multinationals with their government are well known. The will to control and the lack of respect for human rights in Beijing. And that does not rebadure the national intelligence law, pbaded two years ago, that forces organizations and citizens to "support, badist and cooperate with the intelligence work of the state".

Last month, the company remembered that it belonged to its 90,000 shareholders and that no organization or government was involved in the decision-making process. He insisted that Beijing had never asked them for confidential information and, if they did, they would choose to face the legal consequences, as their commitment to their clients # 39; wins. Its founder, Ren Zhengfei, promised to close the company if necessary.

These are arguments that require a self-talk. There is another irrefutable that avoids attributing to the Chinese government virtues that are missing or presume the heroic martyrdom of its rulers. It is pure pragmatism. Placing a single back door is tantamount to commercial suicide: the company of the future, with which China expects to reach the economic peak, would collapse without solution within five minutes of its discovery. In Beijing, one should take care of one's golden egg hen and take it out at risk.

Song Liuping, chief of the legal service, summed up the situation after the press conference: "The only problem is that we are Chinese, none of this would happen if we did not, and we can not stop To be, "he said pointing to his slanted eyes.


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