Huawei criticizes Washington's "losing attitude"



Huawei yesterday urged the US government to give up its "loser attitude," again dismissing Washington's accusations that its hardware could be used by China to spy on.

"The US government has a loser attitude, it wants to stain Huawei because it can not compete with Huawei," said Guo Ping, president-in-office of Chinese society, at a press conference held this morning.

"I hope the United States will be able to adjust its attitude," crushed the chief of the world's largest producer of telecommunications equipment and third smartphone maker, in statements reproduced by The Hill newspaper.

In this way, he questioned the actions of the administration of President Donald Trump, which prohibited government agencies from using Huawei's material and launched an international campaign so that his allies, especially the Europeans, exclude the Chinese company Networks 5G as they pose a threat to the national security of the United States. (Telam)


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